


2 years, 2 months ago


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name duck
species bedlington terrier
age 20
gender male
pronouns he/him
height 6'3
status taken
occupation competitive swimming
song by ---

helpful . sensitive . strong .

Duck is a very calm, kind guy that always puts others before himself. His soft spot is kids. He loves to volunteer his time at events especially for disabled children, kids always think he’s awesome like a super hero and the smiles they have on their faces just melts his heart. If he could spend every day just making children happy he would. He’s the sweetest, most compassionate person and anyone that knows him personally can attest to that.

As a kid, his dad would have him and his brother race and the loser would have to run three times as far. He was raised to be strong and competative, like his father. Always active and pushing his body to the limits, he naturally loved sports. He took to competitive swimming in high school, breaking many records within his state.

Duck has a lot of trust issues. Too many times have men and women only given him attention only because of his body. People could care less about who he is, they only want someone pretty to look at. Many of the relationships he’s been in haven’t lasted more than a few months because his partners would take what they wanted and leave him heartbroken. He has a lot of internal conflict, feels like he’s not worthy of love because time and time again that is what he’s shown. He sort of resents is appearance, the constant looks and "flirting" (harrassment really) he gets because of his body while in public is unacceptable to anyone looking in on the situation, but to duck he feels its all he’s good for.

  • gardening
  • lifting
  • swimming
  • people
  • sea food
  • eggs and orange juice
  • altercations
  • cold weather
  • vaping
  • ---

  • He wants a kid eventually, one of his biggest dreams is to be a father
  • In his free time he enjoys gardening. Their appartment complex has a community garden and he loves to spend time tending to the fruits and vegetables growing their. Everyone in the complex knows his as the garden guy. When it's time to harvest the vegetables, he hosts a cookout for the community to enjoy them together.
  • • His boyfriend moved in with him recently, their relationship is flourishing and Duck couldn’t be happier.
    • ---
  • He has three tattoos: an anchor, fish and 144. The anchor and fish have to do with being a swimmer and 144 his is late kid brother's birthday (january 4, 2004).
Butter boyfrien :)

They are goofy stupids together always up to shenanigans

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