


8 years, 9 months ago



Name: Aneuch Gebralt
Nickname: n/a
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: (sexuality doesn't exist)
Species: Half human, half "elf" (The "elves" are actually a race of alien)
Languages: English (dialect)
Religion: n/a

Occupation: Outlaw; Arco-proclaimed "Protector of the Peace"

Powers: None
Weapons: His fists.

Significant Other: lol (None.)
Family: Parents and a little sister (Disappeared)


Height: 6’4” (193.04 cm)
Build: Tall and muscular

Face shape: Square
Skin: Tanned, though not too dark.
Eyes: Violet.
Hair: Forest green and very messy. He tends to wear it as a ponytail on the top of his head, but will sometimes wear it in other places, or down. Always wears a headband. Has facial stubble, trimmed to 'perfection.'
Scars: None.
Markings:  Freckles everywhere. Two purple Marks that run from the centre of his back to the right side of his chest.
Piercings: A C-shaped gauge in each ear.
Tattoos: None.

Clothes: TBA


The most childish and fun-loving one of the group. He can be serious when he needs to be, but believes fun is essential in one’s life. He's very silly and loves to flirt with anyone and everyone, regardless of gender or species, though any attempts at getting laid are often shot down. Think Johnny Bravo.
He never seems to let it deter him, and continues to flirt even though he rarely gets any action aside from a good slap or two.

❤ Sex // Flirting





The leader of a mysterious group of people landed on their planet out of nowhere and forced a takeover of their government. Arco and his three friends were part of the small population that left the City to escape the dictatorship that became of the government there, marking them as outlaws.

He is a member of a rebellion against the government, forced to live outside the walls of the City.

( More to be added. )

He always listens to Arco, due to a slight fear of him, despite their friendship. Arco won't hesitate to beat the shit out of him.