(257) Unnamed's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

May only be resold for more than bought with additional art.

CinnabunAdopts Global Rules

I do not approve of selling a design for more points unless there's more art included. Please let me know before you sell a design, it's quite likely I'll be interested in buying it back! -

Wanting to trade or gift your design? Let me know, most of the time this is alright with me. -Wanting a refund? I don't refund on regular adopts. However, if you want a refund on a gacha/breeding I have not started, I will most likely be happy to oblige. 

If you send points before being asked to, it will be considered a donation. (Sending before being asked can make an artist feel forced to fulfill your request. This includes sending points in gachas, I prefer one large payment rather than lots of tiny ones to keep track of. ^^") 

If someone has requested an adopt at a set price, do not try to offer a higher price. I operate with "first come, first served" because my designs are for everyone! 

If you do not reply/sent the points within 24 hours of your offer being accepted, you will be given a reminder. After another 24 hours, you will be notified that the adopt/slot is on sale again. (This comes to a total of a 48 hour point sending period!)