Revi Blackfang



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Revi Blackfang





Where from

Forest of Cranmor


162 cm



Hair color

Dark Brown

Fur Color

Light Brown

Eye color


Conviction (Pathfinder)

Neutral Evil




Fantasy/Dark Ages Setting


Revi is my main character, that I play in DnD!

When she was younger he tribe got attacked and decimated by raiders, who then sold Revi into slavery. During her time as a slave she had to learn about cooking, serving and other works that had to be done.

Her owner abused her in many ways and everytime she disobeyed, she got punished by the whip. Thats how she got the scars on her back.

After a few years as a slave and being abused she finally came to the conclusion that she needed to escape! But first there was payback to be done... in the cover of her daily chores she snuck away a knife from the kitchen and hid it well in her maiden dress. So when she was brought to her owner and when the guards left, she pulled it out and cut his throat. After her succesful assassination she stealthed away in the cover of the night and ran for her life!

It didn't take long until the gugardsmen found the lifeless body of the landlord and send hunters with dogs out to catch the fleeing slave.

Revi could hear the dogs close by when suddenly a crossbow bolt puncutred her ear. Slightly bleeding and exhausted she kept running... just a short period after the first shot, she got struck down by the second hit in her leg. Unable to run she had to watch terriefied how the dogs catched upand surrounded her. They came closer... and closer... and very soon the first one jumped at her to rip her to shreds. She thought her life was going to end here. Lying in the snow, bleeding from the bolt that struck her down and shred to pieces by dogs.

That was the moment when the attacking dog started to slow down in mid-air. His fur turned from grey to a darker brown tone. His sharp fangs became dull and those eyes full of bloodlust became empty hulls. Her attacker turned into roots. Suddenly many roots fought themselves free from earth and attacked the hunters, caging them in and draging the screaming men below the durface into the cold and dark grave.

When Revi looked up she could see a fox-like creature, with blue glowing eyes coming closer. As she was fading into unconciousness she watched while the fox was transforming to one of her kind.