Hayden (Silverwings AU)



6 years, 5 months ago


Name  — Hayden Agni

Gender — Male

Ethnicity — Possibly British-Indian?

Height — 5'2

Birthday - August  14th

Sexuality — What no he's like 12 he doesn't want cooties


Hayden is a young street urchin running around the streets of London. While he runs his own little merry gang of misfits he is apart of a group overseen by the Silverwings Mafia, scooping around the city for any new or interesting information. Him and his group are some of the best in getting or retrieving information on the underground network thanks to Hayden's charisma and leadership skills.


Great Charisma Even for someone as young as he is Hayden has a way with people, drawing them in easily and has an air of authority and direction. Many other children look to him as a big brother figure with mutual loyalty.

Psychokinetic Abilities — Able to manifest and control flames however he is young and inexperienced. He cannot keep focus enough for the flames to last or his emotions take over can run out of control. 


Loud, slightly obnoxious but charismatic, Hayden is a natural born leader. He directs the street urchins under his wing with great care and in return they give him their loyalty in which he returns ten-fold. Hayden greatly cares about the gang, thinking of them all as his surrogate family and is always looking out for them, specifically his actual little brother, Ieagan. Hayden, while very naive, wants nothing more then to be a good leader to his people.
He has a very mischievous attitude, constantly messing with people around him for a chuckle or two, asking for strange payments in exchange for his information.
However, Hayden holds a suppressed hunger for power stemming from his fear of being helpless. He hates being looked down on due to his age and size and commands the respect worthy of an adult by other adults. This leads him to acting or making reckless and impulsive decisions that have caused him trouble in the past. He is also unfortunately very, very vengeful. If anyone were to harm any child under his care he will make their life a living hell.


Not much is known about the Agni brothers, one story from Hayden is never the same however, there is a rumor. A Rumor that their mother left her with her lover, leaving the brothers in the care of their father. How and why Hayden left is a mystery. Perhaps their father abandoned them, chased them away or found his untimely end with a bottle of laudanum. Only Hayden knows and will never say.


Hayden spends most of his days running around parts of the city, watching and listening to the local gossip to take back. When given a task from an overseer he will do it to his best ability, normally following up with a handful of information. Because of his leadership skills he runs a mini information network that is rather impressive for someone his age and is quite proud of his gang who keeps it running. He is still far too young to understand the position in the mafia and what will become of it, which is fine with him. He likes living now then thinking of later.


Hayden's power comes from the demon within him, acting like a passive parasite that leeches off of his life force. In exchange the demon grants him a supernatural ability (thus giving him a shorter lifespan compared to the normal people in his era). As with most other demons if forcibly removed/exercised it will cause the host's demise. 
In the occurrence of falling unconscious while amidst of a dangerous situation the demon will take over with much stronger abilities and attempt to protect him/get him to safety.
However, the longer the demon stays in possession the faster Hayden's body will begin to deteriorate. He will be lucky if he ever would live to 30.

Strangely enough, Hayden seems to be on very good terms with the demon. Often having an odd sense of comfort when he sees it every night, thinking of it as a friend forever with him until death. This feeling of friendship is one-sided however as the demon merely thinks of Hayden as a host, nothing more. Subtly, it encourages Hayden's hunger for power for its own gain.


Like all inflicted with demons, Hayden can no longer dream. Instead he retreats into his own personal realm each night. His realm is a room with wooden floors with tall candles illuminating the area. There's a long velvet carpet leading to a single wooden throne in the middle. Scattered about are letters and various children's toys. Near the candles are velvet hangings attached to the ceiling of the room.

When Hayden's mental state begins to deteriorate, the candles burn wildly and the hangings will slowly smoke and catch aflame and slowly the rest of the room to follow.


  • His speech reflects his emotions. The louder he talks the more nervous and fearful he is.
  • He's gained a streak of orange in his hair but seems to dye is black to avoid standing out.
  • Hayden has only ever killed one person so far.