


9 years, 5 months ago


//mings Just found out her name is the name of a cat-human species from the game Beyond the Void. Such convergent/serendipitous naming! Well, at least it's a game I like? LOL

Name: Ribika
Height: 5'7
Appearance: Slim
Age: 296
Gender: Female
Personality: Sweet/Playful/Impish/Curious/Ditz/Mocking/
Species: Human (Converted into Vampire)
Affiliation: Crimson Chateau
Combat Roles: Immobilize/Pressure/Puppeteer
Occupation(s): Kidnapper/Pastry Chef/Technician/
Affinities: Flesh/Mind
Power Level: A 

Interests & Dislikes: 

Hobbies: Making plushes and dolls/Collecting plushes and dolls (and "dolls")/Shopping/Grooming/Torturing/Hunting/Chasing games/Pastry Cooking/

-Playing tag, Hide-N-Go-Seek, etc...
-Sweets, particularly chocolates
-Fancy foods
-Gothic Lolita fashion
-Bunnies and snakes!
-Dress-up with friends and her dolls (and "dolls")
-Getting her hair brushed, particularly by a hot servant or toy
-Turning her living dolls back from their dollification and enjoying their screams, and then dollifying them again, and rinse and repeat.
-Spilling blood and fighting

-Bitter foods
-Intense resistance
-Her appearance not looking perfect
-Unsatisfactory partners
-Getting hurt, or rather, if it messes with her appearance
-Food that looks "weird"
-Rats (unless being used for torture, can tolerate them a bit more)
-Fungi, finds their appearance so creepy
-Bugs (except for butterflies)

-Has a room full of flesh dolls that she likes to dress up and play with, and most of them are alive, and unable to do anything about their awful situation.
-Blindfold functions as a two-way mirror, allowing her to see out while others cannot see in, thus keeping them safe from her eyes.
-Tends to stay in the darkest parts of the castle
-Likes to make plushes for Kristin and sneak them into the girl's lab, much to the scientist's irritation and amusement.
-Often helps Kristin out with her subjects because it's fun.
-Bit of a ditz, can drift off and end up tripping on air as a result.
-Has pet bunnies and snakes and they do get along, and all have an appetite for blood.
-Tends to eat all the pastries she makes before anyone else has a chance to eat them.


Dollification - Capable of turning targets into flesh dolls, keeping them alive but immovable, or killing them. Body essentially petrifies, but not completely into stone as with other forms of petrification. Still very soft and fleshy! Can strike up to three targets at once. Can reverse the effects if victims are not dead within 24-48 hours, in a very long and painful process. Also capable of creating a little doll of a target to do voodoo with.

Puppeteer - Can control targets as if they were puppets while they are fully conscious of their sudden loss of control. Works best on animals, humans, and weak nonhumans. Can control up to two at a time, but can be exhausting and generally sticks to one. 

Shapeshift - Can turn into a snake (6m long) that is very durable and fast. Venom is capable of outright poison, or causing various drug-like effects.

Snake's Vision - Ability with her eyes to cause targets to become paralyzed and feel intense fear. An ability she cannot control and thus keeps her eyes blindfolded. Also able to see in the infrared spectrum thanks to her eyes. Passive ability of eyes becomes canceled out against other people with eye abilities who are of similar power level.

Vampirism - Converted vampire with boosts to body and senses and decent regenerative factor.
Allure: Passive ability that makes her appear highly attractive and lulls people into feeling safe around her as well.
Superhuman Hearing - Extremely sharp hearing

Voodoo - Using the little dolls she creates of targets, she can cause various situations with them to occur. Can break the target's bones or tear limbs off by doing the same to the doll. Can also cause the target to experience whatever the doll is injected with. Also capable of causing paralysis to target if a charm with a paralyzing spell is written and attached to the doll. Doll must be within 20m of its flesh version.

-Weak to typical vampire weaknesses, such as fire, light, silver, garlic, sunlight
-Must consume some blood every other week
-Very weak to light due to her sensitive eyes and how often they are kept covered