☁️ Quill Feather 🪶



2 years, 2 months ago


☁️ QUILL FEATHER (Aka Quill) 🪶

she/they, 20-22

Quill Feather (or Quill) is a reporter for the local news in Ponyville. Though she loves her job, she does wish for more...exciting stories to report on, luckily for her though, the mane six's adventures certainly give her a story to talk about.

She's often observing from the sidelines, though she is quiet, she is very friendly to those who strike up conversation with her. You can often find her with her journal noting anything well...Noteworthy...to see if anything could make for a potential story.

Growing up, she was mostly closed off from other people, that is until she found her interest in journalism, which lead her to pursue her dreams however possible. She wanted to become one of the best and well-known people in her field, and she was more than willing to work towards her goals. 

If she were to be in the show, I'd like to think she'd be just a silly side character who sometimes follows around the mane six in the bg and is quietly observing wtf their up to LMAO, I think it'd be funny (and cute)
