


2 years, 2 months ago


she/they - enby

My sister helped create the idea for this OC (we were kinda just goofing off, soooo be warned xD)

-NOCTURNAL (Loves night-time best)

-THINKS SHE'S A BAT-PONY (Not really, she just acts like it)

-Cutie mark has a faint glow to it, this becomes much more apparent at night

-Like all pegisi she helps control the weather, but she does it much better at night (NOCTURNAL!!)

-Whenever you ask her a question she doesn't like, she answers with "I'm nocturnal.", which just confuses them more. She does this on purpose of course.

-Mischievous, loves to scare other ponies

-Will hiss when scared.

-Other ponies think she's weird (And she does not care. At all.), so she isn't close with others very often.

-Lives in a cave

-Has a pet bat, owl, a black cat, and some fireflies (of course).

-Likes to sit in trees.

-Probably wants to go to outer space

-Knows the names of every planet and star and constellation

-Probably worships Princess Luna or smth

-Does not like Celestia as much as other ponies do. She thinks Luna should be the only ruler.

-Likes books