


6 years, 7 months ago


havoc is from the same time period as virus is. havoc served a different purpose than virus, however. while virus was a bot made to perform criminal acts, havoc was made for the army to be used in the war that was causing destruction everywhere. however, havoc was one of the war bots captured by the enemy and reprogammed to work for them, which ended up being done by a bad programmer and ended up making havoc attack everyone. the only way they got havoc to stop was by firing a machine that attached itself to him, and gave him sentience, and made him self aware. since then, people have been teaching him how to live and to not harm innocents. with the war recently ended, havoc has been the main focus on fixing. he's come a long way, and can be really nice and calm around others, however seeing certain things can put him into war mode and start attacking things. sometimes he can be mischievous and mean and try to steal stuff and be a villain, and other times he can be sweet and nice and just help people out. he's trying his best to learn on how to act around others, but that doesn't always work out and he can end up misreading a situation.

the gray parts on his body can extend to any length, and the arms on his back can retract (as seen on his back ref). he doesn't run on battery charge; the fluids attached to his head and back keep him powered up. the holes on his hands can shoot lasers the same color as the fluid on his back. his feet have rockets in them and he can use them to fly around. the dull white metal on him is very powerful and can resist almost any hit. his screen can display anything, but his face will always be that shade of pink. the fingers on his actual hands are made of pure diamond,