Expendable (Info)



1 year, 8 months ago


mother: russian

- a sweet lady who got stuck in the wrong path, 

father: Irish catholic, 

- the head of an underground mob, 

 when he found out about his son’s abilities, he trained him as a living weapon, he wasn’t a good man, and poured his flaws into his child, 

the expendable gotten his name as he was taught he’s not human, he’s a freak, nothing more than Expendable to the mob and family

his mother loved her son and hated her husband for being like this, of course she can’t leave the path she’s in, but she loves her son very much and wants him to know he’s human and loved, 

once the expendable escaped and torn down the mob from the inside out by age 19 getting his father sent to prison sadly as well for himself, for the long list of crimes he has caused under the force of his father, 

he was sent to a prison far from his mom in Ohio, 

location of this prison is unknown, the prison is built only for those who have super abilities, The agency runs a prison for those with powers who “lost their way” it’s built in two districts,
District A: is for those who show they can reform and willing to change and it’s more of a rehab center offering many classes to help those who leave get a job or maybe even into the agency,
District B: for those who have caused more dangerous of crimes and those who can’t seem to reform or show change, they are put in a prison like environment, they still offer classes to help push those in the right direction for those who show willingness of wanting to reform
District C: is for classified intel :]

With the expendable’s crimes and such a young age he was went to district B, but him being one showing genuine interest in all classes he taken and shown interest of reforming, he was transferred to District A,

By the age of 33 he was out of prison by The Agency’s choice, they wiped his criminal record clean for the public, however he was under stricter ruling of what his abilities were, he did agree to those terms and chose to join their agency as a hero but he wanted a normal life as well, which the agency granted,

since then he moved to Cleveland Ohio and opened a flower shop at Kymm’s Block, next to a comic shop Named “fen’s comics”