Elmer Williams



2 years, 5 months ago



Elmer Williams

  • AGE 20
  • HEIGHT 5'7"
  • PRONOUNS He/ Him
  • LOCATION Montana
  • Born 30 March, 1919

A quiet but friendly boy who lives on the outskirts of town, very self sufficient and content in his little run down cottage. Generally tries to be very thoughtful and helpful to others who might be in the area.

Is really good at cooking and is very much a handyman, luckily he's skilled enough to be able to slowly work on the old run down house he bought for a bargain.

Very cautious, he has trouble making quick decisions and being spontaneous. If he can leave choices up to other people, he'd gladly do it. Prefers to take things slowly if he can.

Will absently put anything in his mouth to chew, regardless of whether it's actually edible or not. Accidentally nibbles on wrenches or screwdrivers sometimes. Generally likes having something in his mouth, it helps him think.

Elmer has always been very self sufficient. After being asked to leave his birth home at 16 he immediately set off and began on his own, travelling to a different town, getting a job and quickly managing to find an old run down house he could afford. When he found it, it barely kept out the weather but he's been slowly working on it to make it more habitable.
It wasn't long before he'd gained a reputation as 'the guy you go to if you need something fixed' or 'the person you could ask if you needed something baked up quickly for a gathering'. Of course, he wouldn't do it for free, and he didn't mind.
He did slightly mind when eventually someone pointed a new human in town who needed a cheap place to stay at to his place. But of course he was too nice to ever say no to someone in need.

