


2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Icequake

Gender: Male, he him

Age: 112 at death

Year of birth: 2903 A.S.

Status: Dead

Description: An average sized MudWing with tiny sharp dull-blue eyes and a long, blunt spiked tail. His horns are curled around the top of his head then point out and forwards, looking similar to an oxens horns. He has tiny bluish-white wings that have brown freckles underneath. He has a hoarse voice and a spiky chin.

Personality: A generally laid-back and chill hybrid, he doesn't like freaking out, but feels extremely uncomfortable around blood and panics when in pitch black darkness. He doesn't like schedules or deadlines and would prefer to complete anything he wants to complete on his own time.

Fears: blood, he hates everything about it from smell to colour. He is also afraid of the dark.


Icequake grew up with his siblings and father, the mother being a MudWing and leaving them to go back to living her own life. He, and his batch, were there in hopes of bringing the animus gene to the MudWing tribe, although, out of the eight children, only two have the animus trait, and so the father spent most of his time and energy focusing on raising the two, while the other six were mostly forgotten. Argentavis, one of the MudWings without the trait, asked if she could leave and live her own live because she was now old enough. The father gave her the green light. Before she left, she invited the other five to come along, and so they agreed. They began exploring Pyrrhia and having a wonderful time. Glaze met a wonderful SkyWing in the Sky Kingdom and stopped his trip around the continent to be with her, to which his group accepted and wished him a wonderful time, leaving him and continuing their trip without IceQuake.

They later had children, which introduced the SkyWings to the animus gene.

Goals: None, thinks he has accomplished everything he can.

Quriks: Holds the animus gene, not active with him though

If you're wondering, the two with the active trait didn't have children for one reason or the other.