


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info



Important info

though Chiyo is really good at playing she rarely plays


! Live's in the world Museia

A world were musician's are fighters ;w;; (Go read about it! pretty interesting cx)




Once Chiyo was born her parents were unknown what instrument she should play. They decided to go with the xylophone, thinking she would be as cheerful as they are. 

Of course Chiyo starts to develop bad temper, hating the instrument she was bound to. She attempt's to play different instrument's avoiding the xylophone, which she fails at.

Chiyo realize's that there's a spell created for someone being able to adjust their assigned instrument, which she tries but instead plays a curse for her to play any instrument- BUT hate playing at the same time.




*Since Chiyo contained bad temper she has trouble making friends, 

her only friend she was able to make is Ayako, who respected her in any way

*I have no idea if this counts as a friend- but I guess Chiyo wont attack her so, Kukiko (She's Chiyo's Maid/Servant?)




Chiyo lives at Nightshade, a place were galaxy, mooned, stars, ect.. themed people lived.

Chiyo is also part of Silentia, the side were people believe people with more "power/'talent"should be treated better than people with less talent

Talent meter - 9/10 (Super good)

Chiyo also lives in a library, composing music since she hate's playing herself




* Chiyo always thinks of dangerous , risky, hardcore idea's

* Bad temper

* @Killingisalwaystheanswer.jpg

* Cold (not literally)



Adopted from KuroTeki