


Cool and collected like snow.

Name Snowfall

Age 39

Gender Cis, female

Species Pine Marten

Pronouns She/her

Orientation Heterosexual

Snowfall is a kind and motherly marten. She is calm and cool-headed in stressful situations and is the one who breaks up a lot of the skirmishes that occur. She acts as a mediator with the help of Fina, for the two fighting sides. Helping them come to a compromise. Being well liked among the experiments allows her to do that job without much fear. Very few would dare to hurt her and when it does happen there is always a backlash for it.

She is like a mother to all the experimented creatures in Facility 4000. Being one of the oldest experiments she has met fellow experiments who have come and go, growing up over the years they're alive in the Facility. Her seniority has given her experience with a multitude of personalities and how creatures react to others actions. This has made her rather adept at understanding how others feel by the unseen cues they unconscious make.

The scientists of Facility 4000 have been harsh and cruel to Snowfall for the entirety of her residence at the facility. Ableism flourished among the scientists and they would give Snowfall training that had a clear prejudice to seeing creatures. At first this took a huge mental toll on her mental health and she started to believe what they said about her to be true.

As the years went by in-spite of it all, Snowfall began to disbelieve the ableist things said about her. Her close friend Fina, helped transform Snowfall's thoughts about herself to be positive, focusing on her strengths rather than her weaknesses. The scientists didn't change their ways but Snowfall found she could handle their words now, using their anger as fuel to prove them wrong.

Proving them wrong was exactly what she did. She honed her senses being able to navigate better than before. She used the sounds of her opponent's against them, using it to locate where they were and what they would do next. Sometimes a creature will say she became stronger because of the scientists but she proved the scientists wrong because of her own strength and will keep growing because of it too.


Snowfall is an old character, being created in my middle-school years. She was originally an arctic wolf who I had made some doodles of. As well as being one my oldest characters she's also one of the oldest in Facility 4000.

  • Lithe body
  • Semi retractable claws
  • Blind eyes (Please outline pupils so they dont blend in with the iris color)
  • Fangs poke out of mouth
  • Soft, thick, somewhat curly fur


Snowfall is blind and doesn't look directly at things. She may look in the direction of stuff but her gaze doesn't focus directly on anything. Her ears can focus or hone into things instead, similar to how someone's seeing eyes would.

  • Snow quartz gem on lower chest
  • Eye and gemstone are the same color
  • Fur was changed by the gemstone's influence
  • Has snow powers
  • Eyes, gemstone, and inner-mouth glow with a faint icy light