ShiningStar's Comments

For how much could I have her? Maybe $8 and two busts?

I could let her go for the $10 I bought her for.

Let me think on that I’ll let u know later today or tomorrow 

No problem :3

Alr I’d like to buy her! Whats your paypal?

Nice! I'll dm you my paypal.

3 Replies

they are so stunning, would you except any trades from here

I didn't see anyone I'd use, but thank you for your interest. ^^

Would you accept $10 for her? POPCORN

Yes ofc! Sorry for the late reply! Are you still interested!

Absolutely! :D

Sent you a Dm with my paypal! I'm so sorry for the late reply again!

No worries! Mine is late too since I slept in. XD


Would you be willing to add a cutie mark? (Sorry to bother I know it says it's a wip)

the buyer can actually choose a cutie mark themselves, so its kind of a semi custom in a sence? xD I can either make a custom one or put a cutiemark you already own on them ^^


I would love to try to offer :) (This is the most pickiest folder, I might decline.)

Thanks for looking.

I didnt see anyone im intrested in, sorry :,