


6 years, 6 months ago


"I only serve my master, the head of House Aspida, and Nychta. Everything I do, I do for their benefit."


  • Name || Imera
  • Katakana || イメーラー (Imērā)
  • Meaning || ημέρα (iméra) means "day" in Greek.
  • Alias || Pretty Neighbor Lady (綺麗ネイバーレディ kirei neibā redi) (by Izumi), Mera (メーラ)
  • Age || 16
  • Gender || Female
  • Birth date || July 30
  • Constellation || Aptenodytes
  • Species || Neighbor
  • Occupation || Border combatant
  • Status || Alive
  • Affiliation || Border, Aftokrator (former)
  • Branch || Tamakoma
  • Position || Shooter
  • Theme || TBD


5583649_4388InNhEESyGtn.pngAssertive || Cunning || Charming || Compassionate || Impulsive
MBTI: ENFP - The Campaigner || Enneagram: Type 8 - The Challenger

⇀ Description

Imera is loud and assertive, and she is never afraid to speak up. She never backs down from a challenge, which gets her into trouble sometimes. She is cunning and sly like a fox, and she finds great joy in tricking people. She loves playing pranks, so the people around her always have to be careful lest they fall victim. Her cunning nature causes some people to be mistrustful of her, which she argues she is very trustworthy. She can be quite charming and persuasive, not shying away from sweet-talking people. This is what keeps people from completely mistrusting her. Despite what people seem to think, she is very compassionate, and she can never turn her back on someone in need. She likes to be a "hero" and save people in distress. However, she can be very impulsive about these things, not thinking before acting. When she does plan out her actions, it is clear that she is actually quite intelligent and strategical.

⇀ Stats

















Work Ethic




⇀ Preferences


  • Nychta
  • Earth clothes
  • Pranks


  • Seeing people struggling
  • Losing
  • When people don't trust her


⇀ Description

Imera is of average height, and she has fair skin. She has long white hair with two braids in the front and a single curly hair on top of her head. She has light green eyes than can be quite intimidating. She can normally be seen with a mischievous grin on her face. She is quite well-endowed and she has a fit body, causing people to believe she is older than she actually is. She likes to wear revealing clothing, which only asserts this belief. She has two black horns on the side of her head, proof that she is a Black Trigger user. In her Neighbor uniform, she wears a black sleeveless shirt with a diamond-shaped cutout on the chest and a cut down that middle that allows it to flare out like a cape. She also has tall black shorts and black boots. She will often wear a black cape over the outfit.

⇀ Important Notes

Triggers and Abilities

5582625_t8XACBauQ5ILtHE.png?1512098072⇀ Black Triggers

Asterias (アスティーリアス Asutīriasu): This is a Black Trigger that allows the user to create Trion spheres that can execute various attacks. The spheres can be large or small to control the power of the attack. They can set to go off when the user wills it, after a certain amount of time, or when something touches it. This Trigger is ideal for setting traps. It takes a great amount of imagination and strategy to utilize properly.

  • Spike Form (スパイクフォーム Supaiku Fōmu): The spheres sprout spikes to impale the target. They can either sprout in all directions or in a specified direction. The user can hold a sphere with spikes to use as a bladed weapon.
  • Bullet Form (バレットフォーム Baretto Fōmu): The spheres shoot small bullets similar to Asteroid. The bullets can shoot in one spot, shoot in a specified pattern, or hone in on the target. The smaller the bullets, the faster but less powerful they are.
  • Beam Form (ビームフォーム Bīmu Fōmu): The spheres shoot a large beam that consumes a lot of Trion. The beam is similar to a Vander's beam. A large beam can obliterate a Trion body in one hit.
  • Smoke Form (スモークフォーム Sumōku Fōmu): The spheres emit Trion in the form of smoke. This is mostly used as a cover to escape, hide, or lay traps.
  • Bomb Form (ボムフォーム Bomu Fōmu): The spheres explode. This is mostly used in traps.
  • Barrier Form (バリアフォーム Baria Fōmu): The spheres stretch into flat barriers that can be used for defense, capture, or blocking off paths. The user can also use it as a platform to walk on.

⇀ Other Triggers

Viper: This is the Gunner Trigger that she uses the most. Because of her experience with the Bullet Form of Asterias, she is capable of making up patterns on the spot.

Meteora: Her Meteora is very powerful because of her high Trion capacity. She mostly uses this in combination with Viper or Hound to create Tomahawk and Salamander respectively.

Hound: She mainly relies on Viper to attack, but she uses this for surprise attacks or when she can't predict her opponent's movements.

Asteroid: She uses Asteroid when she needs pure firepower. 

Scorpion: While she is mainly a Shooter, she often attacks with Scorpion. She combines her melee attacks with her bullets to create a very offensive fighting style.

Shield: She uses this to defend herself against attacks she can't dodge. Her Shield is very powerful because of her high Trion capacity.

Bagworm: Like most Border agents, she uses this for stealth.


⇀ Statistics

Black Trigger:

TrionAttackDefense/SupportMobilitySkillRangeCommandSpecial TacticsTotal

Normal Trigger:

TrionAttackDefense/SupportMobilitySkillRangeCommandSpecial TacticsTotal

⇀ Other abilities

Agility: She is very fast and can use almost anything as a means to supplement her mobility.

Cunning plans: She is very sneaky, and she comes up with cunning plans. This often involves her laying traps and playing mind games with her opponent.

Composite bullets: Under Izumi's tutelage, she has learned how to use Composite Bullets. She can combine cubes in 3-4 seconds.


⇀ Background

Imera's mother died giving birth to her, so she never knew her. Her father raised her for a few years, then abandoned her as soon as he thought she could take care of herself. She wandered around by herself for a few years, having to learn to fight and steal in order to survive. She eventually stumbled across a girl her age that was being robbed by two men. Imera stepped in to stop the men, and she ended up beating them up. The girl wanted to thank her, so she took Imera to her house. She said her name was Nychta, and she was the daughter of the head of House Aspida. House Aspida ended up taking Imera in and caring for her. She was assigned to be Nychta's personal bodyguard, and the two girls became very close in the process. Nychta was very curious about Earth, and she often talked to Imera about wanting to go. Imera promised that they would go together one day. 

Imera was trained in combat in order to protect Nychta. When she 13, she received a Black Trigger, Asterias. After hearing from the head of House Aspida about an expedition force being formed by Hairein. She volunteered herself to join it, knowing that they would be going to Earth. She told Nychta she would go to find out more about Earth, then she would come back and bring her, too. She went and fought in the second large-scale invasion. After finding out that Hyuse was to be abandoned, she stayed behind as well to support him. Ariyoshi Shinako had been injured in the invasion and couldn't fight, so Ariyoshi Unit was missing their ace. She went to the Upper Management and requested them to allow Imera to join her unit, saying she would take responsibility if anything bad happened. They allowed it, and Imera joined the unit as a Shooter.

⇀ Family

Father: Abandoned her at age 6.

Mother: Deceased.

Foster sister: Nychta (18)

⇀ Other Relationships

Teammates: Ariyoshi Shinako (leader), Morimi Kazue, Hanai Sumika, Ikari Mayu (Operator)

Mentor: Izumi Kōhei

⇀ Important Moments

  • At age 6, Imera's father abandoned her.
  • At age 9, Imera met Nychta and was taken in by House Aspida.
  • At age 13, Imera received Asterias.
  • At age 14, Imera joined Hairein's expedition force.
  • At age 16, Imera traveled to Earth with the expedition force and stayed there.


⇀ Nychta [ Imera || Onēsama ]

Imera has been fiercely loyal to Nychta ever since the latter took her in and became her sister. While Imera was meant to be Nychta's bodyguard and servant, she was treated more like a family member. The two girls were very close. Imera took her job of protecting Nychta very seriously. Conversely, Nychta always looked out for Imera and made sure she wasn't doing anything stupid. Ever since being separated, Imera has missed Nychta very much.


⇀ Ariyoshi Shinako [ Imera || Onēsama ]

Shinako was a bit wary of Imera at first not only because she was a former enemy, but also because she was still struggling with her beliefs about Neighbors. She began to warm up to the Neighbor after seeing her cheerful nature. Since Shinako broke her rib in the second large-scale invasion and was kept from work, she went to the Upper Management and asked them to allow Imera to join Ariyoshi Unit, saying that she would take responsibility if anything bad happened. Ever since then, Imera has had an immense amount of respect for Shinako, looking up to her as her older sister in the absence of Nychta.


⇀ Morimi Kazue [ Mera-chan|| Kazue ]

Imera likes to talk to Kazue because the older girl always tells the truth. She finds it interesting because while she never lies, she is very hard to read. Imera prides herself on her ability to predict people, so she sees Kazue somewhat like a riddle.


⇀ Hanai Sumika [ Imera-san || Sumika ]

Imera thinks Sumika is cute and sweet, so she is always doting on her. Sumika partly loves the attention, but she gets embarrassed when it goes too far.


⇀ Ikari Mayu [ Imera-chan|| Mayu-san ]

Imera has a hard time believing that Mayu is older than her because of her small stature. Mayu often has to scold her for being disrespectful, though she knows she has to pardon the girl a bit because she is not used to Earth society. Still, she insists the Neighbor call her Mayu-san.


⇀ Jin Yūichi [ Imera || Jin ]

Imera doesn't get along with Jin much. He is capable of outsmarting her and avoiding her tricks, which annoys her to no end. On top of that, he pretends like he doesn't know he is doing it, when she knows full well that he is aware. Jin finds it fun to mess with Imera, as she gets angry easily.


⇀ Konami Kirie [ Imera || Konami ]

Konami is Imera's favorite person to prank because it is so easy. This causes Konami to be mad at Imera fairly often, however.


⇀ Karasuma Kyōsuke [ Imera || Torimaru ]

They get along decently. She will often work together with him to mess with Konami, though he isn't safe from her pranks, either.


⇀ Kizaki Reiji [ Imera || Reiji-san ]

Imera has a great amount of respect for Reiji, which is shown by him being one of the only people she uses the suffix "-san" with. He is the one person she refuses to prank, and she will always profusely apologize to him if he gets caught up in one. He doesn't mind it all that much.


⇀ Usami Shiori [ Imera || Shiori ]

They get along well. Imera loves testing out any new Trion soldier simulations Shiori comes up with, especially any new additions to the Rashamaru Series.


⇀ Mikumo Osamu [ Imera || Megane ]

Imera feels a sort of rivalry towards him, as they are both known for their crafty strategies. Even so, she tries to pass her experience onto him and help him with his strategies.


⇀ Kuga Yūma [ Imera || Yūma ]

Imera is constantly fighting for Yūma's respect. As the older Neighbor, she wants him to look up to her. While he doesn't exactly look up to her, he does respect her. He just likes to mess with her by making it seem like he doesn't. She hates it when he calls her out on her lies, harmless or not.


⇀ Amatori Chika [ Imera-san || Goldie ]

Imera is very impressed by Chika's Trion capacity. She has a lot herself, so for someone to have more than her is rare. She always tries to bait Chika into using her "Ibis Cannon." She calls Chika "Goldie" in reference to what the other Aftokrator Neighbors called her, the "Golden Baby Bird."


⇀ Izumi Kōhei [ Imera || Izumi-san ]

Izumi mentored Imera in the ways of being a Shooter. She has a lot of respect for him. He likes to brag about her being his "star pupil." They often tease each other back and forth. They often work together to prank people, or rather, Imera ropes Izumi into the plan and he goes along with it because he thinks it's funny.


  • The Atoner: She feels guilty for the crimes she committed after she was abandoned by her dad. She stole things and hurt a lot of people, even killing a few people. After being taken in by House Aspida, she has tried to atone.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: She is so loyal to Nychta and House Aspida because they took her in and cared for her.
  • Blood Knight: She loves to fight and test her skills. She is constantly asking people to face off with her.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Her past consists of her mother dying and her father neglecting and eventually abandoning her. She was on her own for a long time, often having to fight and steal in order to get by.
  • Hot-Blooded: She is passionate and determined, especially when it comes to fighting.
  • Idiot Hair: She has one curled strand of hair on top of her head.
  • Fish out of Water: After being left on Earth, she has to adapt to Japan's culture with the help of the Tamakoma members.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: She does whatever Nychta or the head of House Aspida tell her to do.
  • Parental Neglect: Her father was very neglectful of her to the point where it could be considered abuse. He would make her sleep outside, he would leave her by herself for days on end, and sometimes he wouldn't feed her. When he decided she could take care of herself, he abandoned her
  • The Prankster: She loves playing pranks. Everyone normally has to be very careful around her lest they get caught in one of her pranks.
  • Recruited from the Gutter: She was abandoned and living a life of crime when House Aspida took her in.
  • She's Got Legs: She has notably nice legs that are often shown off in shorts.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: While she and Nychta aren't blood siblings, they are complete opposites. Imera is outgoing and assertive, while Nychta is quiet and reserved. Even their names means "day" and "night" respectively.
  • The Trickster: She loves tricking people and she is very mischievous. This can cause her to be a bit of a Manipulative Bastard, as she will trick people into doing what she wants.
  • Who Wears Short Shorts?: Her expedition force uniform was this.

Character Trivia

  • Her favorite food is omurice.
  • Current concern: She can't swim, and Izumi keeps wanting to teach her.
  • The name of her Black Trigger, Asterias (αστερίας) means "starfish" in Greek.
  • House Aspida was named after the Greek word ασπίδα (aspída), which means "shield."


(said by Imera)

"I only serve my master, the head of House Aspida, and Nychta. Everything I do, I do for their benefit."

(said by others about/to Imera)

(under construction)

(General dialogue)

Imera: It'd be so much easier if I could just use Asterias!
Kazue: You'd be too powerful for anyone then. Well, maybe not Shina-chan with her Black Trigger.
Imera: Oh, she has a Black Trigger, too? What do you say, Shinako? How about a match with out Black Triggers?
Shinako: No. And what have we said about addressing people?
Imera: Address people by their surnames until you know them well... But Kazue and Sumika said it was fine if I called them by their given names. Even Mayu-san said it was fine as long as I called her Mayu-san. Can't I call you Shinako?
Shinako: *looks at Kazue and Sumika* You said that?
Sumika: Everyone calls me Sumika.
Kazue: I don't see an issue with it.
Shinako: I suppose it's fine then... But you better address other people correctly, alright?
