


2 years, 2 months ago


Base value: $175

Worth: $265

Accessories are optional. Metal glove allows for telekinetic power over metal. Heisenberg is feared by many, and should remain this way.

Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeUPS-2mmLI

Voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qryyCDiKDpE

Heisenberg is in charge of a massive factory located in a remote location. He creates metal creatures as a sort of experiment to prove he can. If he cant assemble them by hand, he uses his telekinetic ability to put them together. Heisenberg received the scar on his nose from having hot melted metal splashed on it by accident. His scars are from a mixture of working in the factory, and fighting off Arachnera and Kendra. 

Many years ago when Arachnera first went mad, she longed for the taste of hyro. When she found Heisenberg, she immediately went on a rampage and tried to kill him. Heisenberg, being much stronger and bigger than her, blinded her entirely for her foolish decision. Arachnera walked out of the battle near death, and Heisenberg cackled at her defeat. 

Heisenberg is also responsible for the mauling of Kendra, who so foolishly tried to challenge him in her teenage years. He left her close to death as well before she finally backed down. To this day, Heisenberg remains victorious in any fight he has been in. And not once has he used any of his weapons like his glove, he uses his sheer strength and power to show each ceru who dares oppose him who's boss.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Heisenberg didn't exactly have the best upringng, mainly because of how he was born. Being born a hyro is not as easy as one may think, as most cerus were terrified of him. When he was small, he displayed very high intelligence, and seemed to always be building things. His mother always acknowledged his efforts, and seemed to take mental notes of the things he would do. She was proud of him, and pushed him to explore this interest of his. As he grew older, he began to push everyone away and build up his own factory. He built robots, vehicles, tools, anything you can imagine. Soon enough, he was able to create a metal glove for himself, with the stone in the center granting him telekinetic abilities whenever he wore it.