Augustus Grimoir



2 years, 2 months ago


He/Him, age: 123,  height: 5'10 alignment: neutral


Augustus was born as the only son into a high class elven family. He buried himself in the library at a young age and taught himself basic magic through these books along with picking up the passion of learning all he could about the world through exploration and experimentation.

His parents noticed their son’s knack for magic and hunger for learning and enrolled him in schools of magic. As Augustus grew he became adept with multiple types of magic. His parents had him on the path to specialize in transmutation magic, but Augustus’s true passion lied within necromancy, an interest that was a concern for his parents and highly discouraged.

As a child, he liked to collect dead animals and bring them home, much to the disgust of his parents. He would reanimate the bodies and keep them as pets. He liked to show other kids his creations. This wasn't well received leading to Augustus to have few friends. His parents put a quick stop to this because they didn't want rumors of their child spreading around and to protect the family's reputation.  

Augustus’s parents loved to flaunt his accomplishments with magic to all who would listen and had high hopes for Augustus. These displays were highly uncomfortable for Augustus who preferred the quiet, reserved place of his laboratory.

Augustus’s experiments often blur the line of what is ethical. He enjoys experimenting. Augustus also enjoys collecting and researching varieties of fungi and insects, keeping an array of specimens in his lab.

Augustus craves knowledge to no end and when he is not pursuing this desire in his lab, he can usually be found in a library or traveling around since he believes first-hand experience is the greatest kind of knowledge

Personality: He is pretty socially awkward and in most settings doesn't talk much unless he is closer to something or the topic interests him, (aka something regarding general magic, necromancy, or books). He can normally be found in a library, his laboratory, or out some place researching on his own. He will talk endlessly to someone about his interests and usually prefers the company of other scholars or mages. Clerics he are more wary of since most don't really agree with necrotic practices. Augustus also enjoys collecting bugs and fungi.