Cupid Arro



2 years, 2 months ago



Name Cupid Eros Arro
Age 30
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
First Universe MLP FIM
Base Ethnicity Greek-Japanese
Height 5'7
Build Slim, lacking in muscle
Hair Black with pink streaks
Eyes redish pink
Sexuality Homosexual
Occupation Love guru/Talkshow host/secret agent

Quick Look

Cupid is, in almost every way, the epitomy of a trust fund baby rich boy. Only son of the Arro family, he's inherited inexplicable wealth, and lives his life accordingly. He's Entitled, sheltered, fragile, and nice in a back-handed kind of way. Although he's a good person at heart, he has a lot of growing to do outside of the life he's used to. Even if snooty and kind of a brat, he cares about his friends and family and tries to show them the finer things in life.

True to his name, Cupid considers the study of all things Love and romance (or the opposite of it) his life's work. no matter what universe he's in, he's always an expert and enthusiast of romance. In a more official sense, Cupid runs a Love doctor radio show for the masses, where he takes calls and letters and answers them to his best ability. In these shows, he usually comes off differently than his in-person self...likely because his passion softens him up. Careful, soft, and understanding- many often come to him for help because of his welcoming persona. Outside of this, he can usually be classed as a minor celebrity-- not enough to be uber famous, but his name and face appear JUST enough with enough reach to be on a handful of people's radars. Those who don't know him through his show mainly know him for his looks or his family.

Socially, Cupid is Open and alluring. A "pretty boy" by nature, he takes pride in his appearance and wears clothing that expresses his class rather easily.Adding to that, he's a rather sensual and flamboyant man, who has fun making people squirm or become flustered. Despite his expertize on the subject, Cupid isn't actually capable of judging or understanding his own romantic endeavours. He quite often just considers flirtatious (or even intimate) encounters as casual- platonic, and just for fun. Because of this, feelings of actual attachment or love can cause him to be in denial, and he'll vehemently refuse the idea. Ironically, he has an issue taking his own possible relationships seriously.


  • Red Wine and Chocolate
  • Anything Love related
  • Small handguns (particularly revolvers)
  • Teasing or being playfully mean
  • The colour Pink


  • BEING teased
  • Dirtiness
  • Cheap things
  • hard labour
  • Incompetence (If he wants it done right, he'll just do it himself)