Zeru (Silverwings AU)



6 years, 6 months ago


Name — "Zeru" (Real name unknown)

Gender —  Male

Ethnicity — Supposedly Egyptian

Height — 5'5

Birthday — Unknown

Sexuality — Homosexual


Unstable, amnesiac and in general a mess, Zeru is a man without a cause. Reeking havoc is his favorite and only job. 


Disturbingly Flexible  — His lanky build and small stature make him a rather impressive acrobat, moving about with ease. However moving too much will cause him to become disoriented and loose his footing.

Illusion Creation — Once given physical contact Zeru can manifest illusions to the person he has touched in a short span of time. He can use this power on up to 5 people at the same time however the timeframe shrinks down with each person he effects. Because of this he only ever uses it on one person at a time when he can.


Zeru is a mess personified. Hyperactive, loud with an awful sadistic streak Zeru loves to toy with people when he can, finding entertainment when they go sour. He's not a very pleasant person. 

He tends to be a bit obsessive over things like puzzles and especially riddles and shown to be quite skilled at them which is surprisingly to say the least. When he's not enjoying a puzzle he's normally antagonizing others. However, deep down inside Zeru feels an intense emptiness that his amnesia brought. Zeru yearns for a vague familiarity that he know longer knows of. He craves knowledge of his past life but also fears what the truth has in store for him. Was he always a monster or was he someone else before?


. . .


Zeru spends his days as a attack dog for the Silverwings in exchange for food,shelter and information. He barely ever turns down a request from his higher-ups taking everything that his job entails with massive strides.


Zeru's power comes from the demon within him, having "awoke" with it one day along with a lack of memories.  It acts as a passive parasite and latches onto his lifeforce, draining him of it as well as slowly corroding his mental-state (thus giving him a shorter lifespan compared to the normal people in his era). As with most other demons if forcibly removed/exercised it will cause the host's demise.  However in exchange of his lifeforce it grants Zeru a supernatural ability and in the occurrence of falling unconscious while amidst of a dangerous situation the demon will take over with much stronger abilities and attempt to protect him/get him to safety.
However, the longer the demon stays in possession, not only will Zeru's body deteriorate but also his mind, loosing more and more of himself each time.

Zeru's demon is loud and antagonistic to him, consistently mocking him and his inability to recall his previous life. Zeru absolutely despises it in return, screaming at it to cease it's mockery and turning to heavy drug and alcohol use in an attempt to avoid it when he sleeps. It doesn't exactly work but he never fully recalls what it says most of the time.


Zeru's realm is a vast endless desert with a black sky. Floating down from the endless skies are strings of what seems to be gentle lights, blowing through a gentle breeze. Although it seems like their in reach, Zeru can never grasp the lights no matter how close he seems to get. Horrifyingly, the demon often appears hanging upside down from the void sky. 

When his mental state begins to deteriorate, the breeze becomes a violent wind and the sands begin to rapidly rise around him to swallow him whole.


  • He stinks of booze nearly 24/7
  • Although not sure, Zeru thinks he may have been married in the past.
  • When he overuses his powers, a third eyes opens from a cross shaped scar from his forehead.