Bean (Old Ver - Retired) (Little Space Content)



7 months, 30 days ago


Do. Not. Associate. With. NSFW.

Bean is a rather shy little, they are embarrassed about it but will eventually ease into it.
The reason they are so embarrassed is because their little age is basically a baby, like, very very young. They don’t make hardly any noise during this time though, preferring to be almost totally silent. 

They are even more sensitive to loud noises than usual, so when speaking to them it’s better to use a calmer voice. Cuddles are a must. 

Favorite items: 

- A blue shark themed pacifier

-An ultra soft black blanket with a Star/moon theme

-A plush Dog(Shiba Inu) named Mochi(medium sized plush and squishmallow feel in terms of stuffing and fabric)

-A purple baby bottle with a black gradient

-A blue weighted blanket with a little shark outline sewed into the very bottom of it

The best way to calm them down is to wrap them up in their blankie with Mochi and their pacifier/bottle, either holding/rocking them or playing music/a show/a movie.