


2 years, 2 months ago


Iza Blanchard


Name Izaac Blanchard
Called Iza
Age 19
Gender Male
Race Human
Role Toymaker
Blessing Enchantment (major); Curse (major)
Theme x


  • Playful
  • Childish
  • Devious


  • Mimi
  • Curses
  • Sweets

The younger twin of the Blanchard family who’s been blessed with abundant magic power. Together with Mimi, he takes part in running “La Lapin,” an enchanted toy store that only appears before the desperate.



  • They are twins that run an enchanted doll store called La Lapin, open to select few of people (the desperate). Using the dolls they make, they lead the customers to their shop and the twins throw a little tea party for them while suggesting what dolls to purchase. They have an eerie air to them and will only take emotions as payment for their special dolls.
  • If the client doesn't take care of the doll, the client will end up cursed resulting in their soul being taken away. The soul from the client is brought back to the twins by the doll the client purchased. The twins keep records of their clients with a magical book that writes how the client meets their end.
  • Their shop is Old Style Victorian with a mix of modern elements. The twins are hinted to be old as they lived through various timelines with the usage of magic. Outside of their enchanted shop is a modern set world which no longer has any magic users.


  • In past Victorian times, twins were born in the Blanchard House. One having an abundance of magic and the other having little to none. The world they were born into consisted of magic users born to those with noble blood. Magic users were considered extremely rare and dangerous. The fact that magic users existed scared the King as he himself didn't have any magic. Feeling threatened by magic users the King issued a Witch Hunt to occur. The Blanchard's having two magic users were immediately targeted and in danger.
  • During the hunt Mimi hid Iza after seeing the brief future. After doing so she was caught and decapitated immediately. Iza witnessing the horror from the place his sister hid him, summoned and made a contract with a devil. He slowly stitched his sister back together and gave her a part of his soul. When Mimi was brought back to life, the devil took her memories and created a space using Iza's magic where she could survive - this special place was the enchanted doll shop. Upon bringing his sister back to life, Iza was cursed with sharing his life with the shop and never aging.
  • To continue living the devil demanded emotions as payment to run the store, the reason being that it was created off of Mimi's love for the doll store. Human souls were needed to keep Mimi alive and moving and to fill the other half of Iza's soul
  • A story of two unfortunate twins who are evil enough to use others for them to survive. One twin filled with vengeance and no empathy for humans and the other who enjoys the pleasures of working with dolls - La Lapin was made.


  • Both are a fan of sweets but Mimi especially loves cakes! Iza likes to offer his portion to his sister
  • The twins come off energetic and cute but they are quite evil
  • Iza has a doll named Leopold (the rabbit) and Mimi has a doll named Jasper (hand puppet); Leopold hosts the devil that Iza made a contract with. Jasper can float around after Iza used magic on him
  • The clients are given cake from their tea party that erases their memory of the time that they were in the shop
  • The twins use the souls of their clients to extend their life



Amelie Blanchard [ twin ]

Iza’s twin (older) sister, “Mimi”. They share a soul due to Iza’s contract with Leopold. She is very energetic and childish with an expressive and playful demeanor. Even though she comes off very sweet, she also has a darker side to her. Mimi has little to no magic compared to her brother. Her ability is to only see 2 minutes into the future.


Leopold [ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ]

The demon Iza summoned in order to revive Mimi.


Jasper [ Mimi’s puppet ]

A hand puppet Mimi made when she was a child; sparked her interest in toy-making. It can move and speak with Iza’s magic.