


2 years, 2 months ago


Curatrix Integrity

Red Army « Head Curatrix » Frost/Forest Gen 1 Hybrid


Stay away from the future, back away from the light No Control // David Bowie

Namesake Noun

Alias Lead Medic

Age Oldn't

Allegiance Red Army

Residence Red Army Headquarters

Soulbound No

Gender Nonbinary, any pronouns


Alignment Lawful Good

Hatching Place Forest Legion

Backstory »

Curatrix Integrity is the unofficial head medic of the Red Army. The nonbinary hybrid is willfully mute, never speaking and rarely communicating by other means. On the surface, Integrity appears to have no personality at all, doing little more than their job. The band of Adjutrix helpers and the Curatrix studying under them can see past this visage, perceiving instead a deeply traumatized individual.

Integrity is an exceptional healer, capable of treating practically any ailment short of enchantments. This is their sole role, talent, and purpose. They make no attempt to connect or bond with any comrades. Circumstances of their past has forced them to abandon everything to focus only on healing. Attempts to provide support, become friends, or pry for more information are met with a gruff attitude and general uncooperativeness. Rumor has it only Red Leader is worthy of Integrity's respect and is the only comrade to have heard their voice.

Relationships »

Integrity does not actively interact with anyone outside of treatment, or when an Adjutrix brings them supplies.

Extras »

Design Elements

Hybrid Anatomy - Integrity has the main scales, hind leg scales, spines, shiny scales and body type of a Frost dragon, and the head scales, forelimb scales, frills, snout spine, and body line scales of a Forest dragon.

Androgyny - Integrity does not present as either male or female, and without hearing their voice, there is no way to assume their gender. Most observers will use interchangeable pronouns due to this uncertainty.

Expressionless - Integrity rarely shows emotion of any sort in both their face and body language.