Benvolio [Genshin]



2 years, 1 month ago



FULL NAME Leonidas Belov

AGE Twenties



REGION Snezhnaya

WEAPON "Catalyst"



Benvolio, better known as Leonidas Belov to most (and Lev/Lyonya to very few), is the almost perpetually tired chief executive officer of a prominent Snezhnayan commerce guild after the recent passing of his father. While his proficiency in economics and his attention to detail are impressive for his age and sufficient for his position, his interpersonal skills are rather lacking.

Due to extenuating circumstances, he additionally works as a member of the Fatui. This is not public knowledge, as this would complicate certain trade deals/arrangements the commerce guild has.


An introverted young man with a naturally gloomy disposition. Prone to bouts of neuroticism, overthinking, and panicking. Lots of panicking. A “sad puppy in a wet cardboard box” kind of man, despite the questionable things he has done. He’s not incapable of masking his behavior behind a more cordial and temperate one, but Lev finds it (and the social situations that call for it) heavily draining. While his negative traits are very apparent, it's also obvious that he's a caring person (being an obnoxious worrier is his love language) and fairly intelligent. Dislikes verbal/physical confrontation and tries to avoid it whenever possible. Simultaneously afraid of getting too close to people and clingy as hell. He’s also pretty bad at reading people or gauging people’s feelings– he’s not even really the best person at gauging his own LOL.


Donec consectetur, eros vel volutpat suscipit, ligula diam congue ipsum, vitae feugiat massa purus nec eros. Integer pellentesque aliquam laoreet. Maecenas consectetur enim non odio malesuada ultricies. Mauris semper turpis vel lacinia cursus. Maecenas lobortis pulvinar diam, vel congue sapien iaculis ut. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pulvinar odio lacus, vitae hendrerit nisl dignissim non. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Ut eget dolor vehicula, convallis magna lacinia, volutpat risus. In finibus id nunc a lobortis. Ut eros libero, egestas eget tristique at, tincidunt quis dui. Aenean semper sem lacus, ac eleifend massa faucibus non. Nam id dui eu justo facilisis maximus nec quis quam. Cras quis euismod tellus. Nam ipsum turpis, pellentesque semper ultrices at, interdum id sem. Integer facilisis hendrerit lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Nunc imperdiet tincidunt ultricies. Proin at orci aliquet, laoreet purus sit amet, elementum felis. Vestibulum ornare eget orci in hendrerit. Sed finibus nibh sed orci luctus consectetur. Quisque elementum eros non urna congue, vitae egestas dolor fermentum. Fusce hendrerit blandit tortor eu lacinia. Sed vitae mattis purus. Nulla imperdiet ex vitae elit pulvinar dapibus.



Il Dottore

Extremely dislikes both his clones and the man himself, though he has not actually encountered the latter often. Dottore doesn't think of him very highly, but he doesn't really think of him much in general.



Have crossed paths multiple times, namely in the Chasm and Sumeru's Archon Quest. Works with them when their goals align, typically works against them when on Fatui business. Traveler has mixed feelings about him: he can be quite a thorn on their side at times, but his demeanor and the circumstances he winds up in can be quite pitiful. Lev is hesitant into getting into direct conflict with the person who casually fought a harbinger for understandable reasons.



Nam ut dictum tortor. Ut ornare augue eu leo iaculis, placerat pulvinar urna posuere. Praesent ac orci interdum, vestibulum sem in, condimentum erat. Curabitur eleifend tempor laoreet. Nulla porta massa lorem. Nam ornare sit amet lacus in aliquam. Praesent et sem mollis, venenatis leo ac, condimentum erat. Nam nec nibh interdum, mollis mauris ut, dapibus risus. Suspendisse lectus nisi, vulputate ut hendrerit non, euismod a nisi. Quisque eu posuere quam, a consequat orci. Nam nisi felis, varius quis lacinia consectetur, bibendum eget sem.

Code by Aurorean