


2 years, 2 months ago






Sasa, Sunny, Sahran, Sah
Druid (circle of the moon)


  Sahranha is man who carries a calm meditative air to most he comes across. He's generally relaxed, sharing wisdom wherever it may fit. Those who may not know him well could be deceived as demeanor combined with his size misunderstand what he's actually capable of. He is actually very clever and will fight dirty.  Fairness and honor doesn't matter if victory is capable and simple with some fancy druid works and strats. He for sure has probably made some enemies in his life as deception is one of his most common dirty tactics. As a hexblood he can disguise himself and do what he must to hinder the opposing kingdom and he'll have fun doing it, usually trying to find some petty means to ruin someone he doesn't like. Such as framing people in authority. He takes the security of his home/family seriously and do what he must to keep it. To those who know him well he's far from calm that those outside his life may believe. He's excitable, and goofy. Kinda Goblin energy honestly.


Stop calling me short i know i am i live life in this body. i'm aware and i dont need your observation.
insert kingdom who he thinks attacked his village here


Sahranha is the biological child of a human man and a hag. His mother as most hags do didn't want to raise the child so she gave the kid to his father. His father not wanting to admit to his infidelity and being sickened that he slept with a hag, in turn having distaste for the hexblood left the child in the Harthallow woods. He had heard there was a village of freaks there and if they didn't find the baby nature would do what it does.

Sahranha grew up in the Harthallow village in a small cottage house that served almost as an orphanage. He grew up around all kinds of folks in a magic centered environment. The village had a close relationship with the fey and spoke Sylvan. As a child he always felt connected to nature. The wind, the trees and most importantly the animals. Perhaps it was because of his lack of parents or being raised in a place where the adults attention wasn't simply focused on just him but also the other children he found himself feeling calm in solitude. Just him and nature. He tried to make friends with the various creatures he would come across whether it was a fish or an ant. His curiosity of the green earth was boundless.

Sahranha was far from alone however, his solitude was purely choice he enjoyed being alone rather then conversating. He had friends and played around when he felt up to it. But for the most part he was the weirdo who talked to trees and fish. In fact he was trying to make friends with a fish who hung around the village river. However one time when he came to the river something was different. He wasn't alone. There was a firbolg child that was playing in his fish friend's area! Surely the fish must of been scared away, and he'd been trying to communicate with it for weeks! It was frustrating for the lil Sahranha and he for sure didn't make any secrets about how he felt about this. Oddly enough though the two ended up becoming friends. Close friends, best friends even. Sahranha only ever allowed animals to really be friends, and well it could be argued his firbolg friend is somewhat animal, Cluaidh was his first real friend.

Sahranha made a necklace for his new friend that he put his own hair into. A trick he learned his hexblood lineage allowed him to do. He was able to communicate with Cluaidh even when they were apart. Mostly silly nonsense and late night childish conversations.

At some point in his friendship with Cluaidh the firbolg ran into an injured little blue bird that the boys ended up taking as a project with the help of others in the village to nurse to bird back to health. Sahranha felt particular attachment to the bird, and did what he'd been practicing since forever to do, to communicate with the bird. To be the creature's friend. Often excitably showing off his success to his firbolg friend. The little bluebird soon recovered and rather then returning to the wild it stuck around the two boys becoming an honorary member of the 2-man friend group. The little bird was given small tasks like delivering messages or causing minor trouble aiding in the boy's mischief. Sahranha named him Basil.

Similarly Sahranha ran into Pepper after one of the village adults found a wolf pup was all alone and brought it back to the village to try and save it. Like Basil Sahranha felt attached to the small creature and with the help of adults they worked to ensure the survival of the pup. And just like Basil, Pepper became the now trio a forth member. 

Life was good. He might of not had a blood family ,but this village was family. Cluadih was family. Pepper and Basil were family. But that changed when their small village got attacked. Fire broke out and people were separated, killed and absolute chaos ensued. Sahranha was 11 at the time and he was taken by a man he'd  never seen before told he'd be safe from the attackers. Sahranha frantically shouted for his animal friends and Cluadih to no reply. Ultimately he was picked up by the man and forced to escape.  

Now he lives in the kingdom Veniskar, working under the man who he feels saved him. Sahranha knows little of the fate of many of those in the village, but he did return at one point to search for his animal friends and while he did find them safe, but perhaps spooked, the village was in absolute devastation. Everything charred and burned. Bodies turned to ash and skin melted into dirt. It was an absolutely devastating site. 



Childhood-friend turned enemy turned lover.


She is his wolf familar!


He is his bluebird familiar!


Has 2 familiars! A wolf named pepper. and a lil bluebird named Basil. Names things based on spices.

Like to go for walks in the forest he used to live in

His hexblood markings glow when he uses magic.

Likes to diy things. makes little jewelries and really seems to have knack for creating whatever he puts his mind too. If he was told to make a house he'd figure that out- He just likes making things and the challenges with it.

Who keeps putting things on the top shelf? I live here too- Probably has the telekinetic feat just so he doesn't have to go through the embarrassment of grabbing a stepstool