Andre Bontecou



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Birth date

Oct 28 , 1793




Half Human/Half Faerie


Andre (Christian/birth name: Francis) is the son of a human mother and a fairy father

Fairy species is known by many names: White Crows, Frostbiters, Ice Bringers

Known for having avian like faces, and glittering white feathers

Andre was abandoned at a monestary at birth, affording him the opportunity to learn reading and writing. He hated the confinement and the rigid rules of the church, so at age 8 he ran away. 

The young Andre quickly learned to steal to survive, and it was not long before he became involved in other criminal activity. 

Puberty blessed the young thief with a handsome face, but also awakened his latent fairy powers. Over the years he would discover his increasing intolerance of the heat and iron, as well as a pair of thin airy black wings that he can use to glide short distances. 

His moral compass does not exactly point true North, but ultimately Andre is not a bad person. Not a good person, but not evil. 

Because of his unnaturally long lifespan, Andre avoids getting too attached to people. However, he cannot help forming strong bonds with a select few. 

He flows back and forth from being nihilistic and depressed to exuberant and full of wonder over the years. His personality is very fluid. 

After surviving two world wars, he is a damaged man. Typically he throws himself into a life of luxury and indulgence to avoid his PTSD. He frequently acts immature and selfish.