


2 years, 2 months ago


 Me? I'm the king of the skies, kid! You best remember it, because my name is going down in history!"

Fly Formation • No Team

Isaac 'Crash' Mullins
Chaotic Good
Feburary 19th
Accent, voice


Confident • Lone Worker • Outgoing • Quick thinker • Egotistical • Resourceful

He's hard to miss. Crash lives to defy the herd mentality, and goes to major lengths to prove that title for himself. He can come off as annoying pretty easily, as told by his constant speaking and need to be doing something at all times. Even so, he perfers to work on his own. Not to say he can't be a major asset in team jobs, because he can. If he and other people are working towards a common goal, he will do whatever he can to help.

His past consists of bullying and staying inside for the most part, so he isn't great at socialization. He often trips over his words, in turn. Crash gets defensive when confronted with an issue he caused or contributed to- actually, he gets defensive even if the issue isn't about him. Either way, he's not good at speaking. He tries his best, though.

Crash is good at hiding things. Things like his fear of water, or his deep insecurities. He tries his hardest to deny they exist, but it isn't hard for him to crack under pressure. In tense situations, Crash can become aggressive and pushy really quick.


  • chocolate
  • flying
  • windy days
  • scented candles
  • rockets
  • astronomy


  • being told what to do
  • bullies
  • making mistakes 
  • water
  • deep trenches
  • chains


Crash was born into a small family. At a young age, he was fascinated with aeronautics, and expressed his love for the craft at the beginning of age 10. A group of his peers quickly found an excuse to poke fun at the small weasel, breaking things he spent time on, and was forced to build them up from the ground again.

As the group aged, the bullying got worse and worse. One day, the head of the group dragged Crash by his arms to Emerald Coast, where they tossed the stoat into the water. Everyone was laughing but him.

Crash nearly drowned that day. The only reason he survived was because of his dad, who managed to swim over and save him before he bit the dust. Crash, scarred from the incident, remained inside for most of his adolescence. Sometimes he spoke to his dad of flying away- to the islands above, where no one could touch him. His father simply chuckled and said he’d see what he could do.

He hardly came out of his room. Then, one day, his father- the one figure who supported him through it all- disappeared without a trace. Both enraged and confused, Crash abandoned his home and hid away in a cave. 

It was a lonely home, but at least he was alone. The stoat would spend the next 5 years there alone, building plans to reach Angel Island. Only recently has he surfaced from his lonesome hollow…



Emerl: Crash met this one in the Chemical Plant Zone. Their interaction was short, but enough to establish the gizoid as a friend in Crash's mind. While exploring the zone, he came across the gizoid and asked if he knew where to find any fuel for his jetpack. Though hesitant at first, Crash quickly emerged from his shell. After getting the suggestion to have it run electrically from Emerl, Crash grabbed his things and left. He didn't want to be seen by Eggman, after all.

Dash the Stoat: His dad. Dash was a supportive figure Crash's entire life, seeing his interests through and lifting him up the entire time. Things changed when the old stoat went missing, thus leaving Crash on his own. Needless to say, he didn't take it well.

Originally, their relationship was a typical father-son type deal. Dash would introduce new ideas for Crash to try, and the latter would give them a shot. An easy way for Crash to figure out what he wanted to do.


Fun facts

  • Crash is good at card games. Like, really good. He's able to keep a solid poker face for hours just to win, even if it's something simple like Go Fish.
  • His ultimate goal? Reach Angel Island. Crash is aware it's been done before, and can be done, but he wants to do it by himself. Via jetpack. One small problem, though. Angel Island floats over a giant ocean, so if one thing goes wrong, he's being sent right into the depths below.
  • His favorite type of chocolate are the ones with strawberry creme in the middle. Chocolate-covered wafers come in a close second.
  • He's the type of guy to give you a ring pop on valentines day. I will not explain further.
  • He can do cool tricks with rubber bands. Why? Why not.


Crash is an expert when it comes to flying. Whether it be via plane, gliders, or fuel-powered jetpacks, he can do it all. Crash is able to take apart and put any plane back together in a few hours, which is something he boasts about. A lot.

Crash has sharp nails that form claws on each finger. Using these, he's able to grip into the bark of trees and climb with ease. Thankfully, he can handle heights. Why else would he be able to fly? His shoes also have little grippers that help him with this.

Like stated above, Crash is good at taking things apart. Thus, he's also good at figuring out the ins and outs of how things work. Though this is on a lesser note, he's still pretty good at it.

Enhanced Senses
Being a stoat, Crash is able to pick up on the smallest sounds and smells. He can even see in the dark, which comes in handy.

Albiet, through his jetpack. Crash's jetpack is able to pull an entire adult up and off the floor, and allow them to fly wherever. It functions a lot like a hoverboard in the sense that it moves where its user leans. To newer users of the pack, it can get nauseating quickly.
