Deitrich Zollinger



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Birth date

May 5th, 1902




Dietrich is the last of the Lowenwald Zollingers. 

Previously the lords of the village of Lowenwald, the Zollinger family occupies a labrynthine castle that has stood in the village for centuries. The castle's dark stone has earned it the nickname of Castle Mitternacht 

The young Dietrich grew up hearing the stories of how their hero ancestor had slain the lion of the forest (hence the town's name). 

He was the only one in the family that had any love for cats, and when his parents passed away he wasted no time taking in every stray that crossed his path. He may have a problem. 

Later in his life, the Nazis contacted his uncle- an occultist and huge Egytophile- for a secret weapon. Unconcerned about matters of informed consent, uncle Albrect Voegel drugged his nephew and turned him into the host of the legendary Burning Lion of Lowenwald. 

The lion granted Dietrich power over fire and a resistance to heat. However, the magic is not compatible with a human body, and is slowly killing Dietrich. 

The Lion, also hates the Nazis. He refuses to cooperate, and Dietrich quietly agrees with the sentiment.