Sasha Volkov



8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Sasha Volkov

Name Meaning(s)

Both Sasha and Volkov are names with Russian origins, Sasha meaning "Defending men" or "Defender of mankind", and Volkov is a Patronymic name meaning "Wolf".


Slacker, Fusspuss, Skillet, Joker, Mother hen, Mom, Doc



Physical Build

Sasha is a major beanpole, tall and lanky, he mostly looks like nothing but arms and legs. He'd never win a fight, even if he is taller than his opponent




Somewhere around 23, but his exact age is more foggy since becoming a were.


Cis Male




Sasha works full-time at a five star resuraunt as a chef, very passionate about cooking.

Sexual Orientation


Romantic Orientation



Sasha is, in a nutshell, unaffected. Nothing ever seems to phase the disinterested demeanor he puts off to other people. To outsiders, he can seem cold and unfeeling, but anyone who takes the time to really dig deep will see a different story. To Dimitri, Sasha is a mother hen, though not overbearing in any way, he is always the first one at Dim's side when they get hurt, and also the first one at their side when going into a dangerous situation. He can come off as very apathetic sometimes, showing his feelings through actions rather than saying how he feels, but his emotions never fail to flare when he's around Dimitri, and he becomes fairly sarcastic around them. He cares more than he shows with his face and words, but most people can't stand being around him long enough to find this out, because of this, he tends to be generally closed off to strangers, and can seem very flat and monotone, a major put off to a lot of people.


No one is really sure who Sasha's parents were, but the people who ran the orphanage often speculated that it was they who caused his rather stunted social skills. Possibly from being wholly neglected or left alone for long periods, whatever the case, he was only 2 years old when he was dropped off. His family only left a note with his name. He grew up incredibly closed off and withdrawn, giving off an unsettling vibe to most of the younger kids.


Sasha has known Dimitri since they were just babies, they grew up together in the orphanage. Dimitri never seemed put off by the closed off and noncommunicative boy, and Sasha grew to value his friendship dearly. He has stuck by Dimitri's side for years, and when Dimitri eventually was put with a foster family for a short time, Sasha shut down completely. He has stuck by Dimitri's side through many hardships, and will(quite literately) follow Dimitri anywhere. He will often do absolutely anything Dimitri says without question, which makes him a sometimes very dangerous person. Sasha's lack of morals and concience, and generally unsympathetic personality makes him a dangerous ally to anyone who crosses Dimitri wrong, because if Dimitri gives the word, Sasha will not hesitate to beat someone's brains against the pavement. Anything for Dimitri.