Petri The Hedgehog



2 years, 2 months ago


Sonic the hedgehog OC

Full name- Petri The Hedgehog

Age- 27

Height- 114cm (3’9)

Pronouns- She/Her

Identity- Bisexual Trans woman

Species- Hedgehog/Field mouse Mobian


Petri is an excitable and prideful woman working as a Secretary under the tedious Eggman empire, hoping to one day climb the ladder and prove her worth as a scientist and chemist. Although the doctor hardly seems to know she even exists.. Workplace friends with Orbot and Cubot, Petri takes whatever opportunities she can get to talk herself up. After tagging along during one of Eggman’s particularly explosive battles with the blue blur himself, Petri is fired after Eggman takes his sore loss out on her. Now with a newfound grudge towards Sonic, she’s set herself on a charge to get her job back, with the help of three detectives for hire. Catch is, she’ll need to help around the office as an intern for the Chaotix if she wants to keep their trust.


Orbot and Cubot- Friendly coworkers who met through Orbot's constant busywork for the Doctor. Although they only see each other when the two are fetching paperwork and scheduling meetings for Eggman at one of his Headquarters, Petri often persuades them to join in a long winded conversation or a game of checkers to stave off her boredom. Although she gets along well with the two, there's surely an advantage in befriending Eggman's righthand men..

Dr. Eggman- Petri idealizes the Doctor and his tech, although her attentions are mostly fueled by her own self interest. Working so distantly from The man himself has led to Petri’s infatuation with the idea of Eggman in her mind, hardly ever seeing him face to face. She seems unbothered by the moral implications of working under his Empire.

Sonic the hedgehog- Although never properly meeting, Petri holds a strong resentment towards him for costing her job. 

Team Chaotix- Their trust towards her is tenuous, knowing her intentions behind their hiring. Although Espio doesn't believe she's being truthful, Vector deems it best to keep a close eye on her while they investigate Eggman. A VERY close eye.


Voice claim- Amy Sedaris

Playlist-  Everyday ghosts- Thank you scientist. / I can change- LCD soundsystem.

-Petri is an avid chess player, though she doesn’t like playing on a competitive level. She adores board games and puzzles, and enjoys any activity that gets her mind racing and offers an opportunity to show off her skillsets!

-Rents an apartment in Sunset city, although struggles to pay the bills now that she's out of a job. 

-Has a fondness for pastries and breakfast foods, though she isn't an early riser.

-Petri works as a chemist, and strives to one day create her own company. As much as she loves the idea of success Petri hates any notion of not being needed or acknowledged for her talents even more.

-She’s somewhat dismissive and snide, but can’t stand when people respond to her on the same level. 

-One of her biggest strengths is setting her mind to something. Once she’s made a decision, she’ll be hard pressed to go back on it. Whether it’s due to arrogance or genuine passion is debatable, but either way she won’t settle for anything that she doesn’t deem to herself a success.

-Doesn’t get along with small creatures very much, and has an irrational fear of Flickies.

-She has Alexithymia and facial blindness.

-Was hired through SA-55 after a snide complaint from Eggman about the management of his business branches. Eggman was unaware of Petri’s employment, considering his general lack of non-robotic workers. Who needs to go through the liability of hiring a living being when you’ve got the smarts and money to automate your empire!