


2 years, 5 months ago


  • They/He
  • N/A
  • Approx. ~105 Million years
  • May 1st on the human calendar
  • AroAce Cinthean
  • Celestial Deity
  • Feline born of a dead star
  • ISTP-A
  • _isZ3RO_
  • HTML by starstruck

"No matter how hard I press my face into yours, a space remains. So am I alone?"

Born of a dying star, this celestial feline emerged from the aftermath, preying on the feelings of pain created by mortal creatures. They're a satrical and quick to anger entity, who seems to have a close, if toxic bond with Midas.

Antares is known to destroy planets and moons for what seems to be fun, and often takes pleasure in the suffering of "Lesser" beings. It's unknown what started this pattern, but they seem to enjoy it too much to stop

For such an anti-social and hostile feline, Antares has found himself unhealthily close to another spirit named Midas. They feed off the agony of the beings Midas harvests elation from. They both rely on one another, which had lead to a less than ideal relationship between the two.

  • Despite their hatred for lesser beings, Antares has a soft spot for other cat like entities.
  • They can change bits of their apperance with little hassle, though quite like the form they have now.
  • Often seen observing planets before their doom, appears to those on said planet as a brilliant red hued star.
  • Will often times shift into a native species to explore the planet and it's life.
  • Lets Midas braid their hair on occasion.
  • tTook an inate interest in preserving specimens from the planets he destroys. Keeps them in vials.
  • ShapeShifting
  • Antares is able to change their form at will, with few true restrictions. The only major one being they can't gain any ability they didn't already have before from it. They don't use this often, as they like their feline form.
  • Matter Manipulation
  • Something they've begun doing recently, Antares is able to manipulate states of matter at ease, and often does so only for entertainment purposes.
  • Necklace Required
  • Tail markings don't have to be exact
  • Hair isn't required, but prefered
  • Ear stripes don't have to be exact
  • Sclera must always be darker than the iris and pupil


A more celestial / other-wordly aesthetic is greatly preferred if drawing Antares.


He is *always* see with a large, red beaded necklace. This can either be drawn with stars hanging off of it or not. Any other accessory is optional, and welcomed!

Body Markings

Antares has stripes along his ears, and upper body. The lower part of his torso, near his hind-legs, are white and end in a heart like pattern. There is a pattern along his tail, which has an ombre from pink to blue.

Hair Style

Although his hair isn't required to be drawn, it is reccomeneded. Antare's hair itself is a darker blue than the rest of their body, ending in a golden tip. His hairstyle isn't set in stone, and can be changed to whatever he sees fit.


Born of a dying star, Antares didn't have an identity, nor a true shape for the original, miserable years of his existence. They drifted around more-so as a cloud of remains, gaining awareness first, and a form later on. Due to the isolation of his beginnings, he became overly hostile, and is determined to create more beings like him from dying planets and stars- even if he has to cause their deaths himself. Occasionally, he'll leave the celestial plains and enter a normal planet, posing as a resident or a regular feline. Both being an observer of life here, and occasionally weighing his descison to destroy the planet on if he enjoyed his time there or not.


Antares is normally cold and cruel, especially to creatures that inhabit the planets he destroys. His motivations seem to make sense to anyone but himself, and he seems to like it that way. Antares has a soft spot for one other being, it seems. Another celestial being named Midas.. Aside from that rare exception, he seems completely aloof to the fate of those they cross. Deeming everything a grand act of the universe.


Romantic partner/ Rival

Existential Crisis Hour! - Kilo Kish