Shohei Ouoka (ShoZai ♥️)



2 years, 2 months ago











165 cm













181 cm





Dazai and Shohei's connection goes as far back as their young teenage years, and together they've been through hell and high waters. Even with their many ups and downs, they do both realize that one would absolutely go to extra lengths for the other. With both of them capable of flipping the switch between humorous and lighthearted to solemn individuals, it makes for a casual pair of lovers.


Mutual impression

Shohei thinks that Dazai is...


Shohei: Man, he was always a pain in my ass, and he was like that for years. Not just because of how unserious he can be, but especially because I was never able to make sense of a thought in his mind. And don't even get me started on his obsession with suicide, either. *sigh* I feel like sometimes I can at least sense his loneliness and I hope that there's some way to mend his heart and soul, even if efforts are small.

Dazai thinks that Shohei is...


Dazai: Shohei was just as much of a thorn in my side the same as she thought of me for years... *chuckle* goodness, she used to be so bratty. Don't tell her I said that, though! She might burn me to a crisp- althought, maybe that's desirable? Anywho!~ My little Belladonna has become so lovely in every way now, so what's not to adore about her? Fairly strong-willed and beautiful, she's perfect in her own way. And a perfect double suicide partner, but that's besides the point.~

Relationship Dynamic

Introverted Extroverted
The Heart The Brain
Affection through words through actions
Overprotective Chill
Does stupid things Calms other one
Goes into fights Uses diplomacy
Tactile Not tactile
Slow-burn Love at first sight
Dislikes PDA Loves PDA
Makes food burns the kitchen
Big spoon Little spoon
borrows clothes lends clothes
Was in relationship(s) Has no experience






Still in love with all your sins.


Early Years

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Shohei: Write a short commentary from Character A about this event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Dazai: Write a short commentary from Character B about this event. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.

Blank Period

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Shohei: Write a short commentary from Character A about this event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Dazai: Write a short commentary from Character B about this event. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Shohei: Write a short commentary from Character A about this event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Dazai: Write a short commentary from Character B about this event. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.


  • Unfortunately their relationship can be a little toxic at times. There are instances where Dazai has been either a control freak, or even a little manipulative. They do tend to end up in minor fights and arguments a lot over it, but it never ends up being anything that can ruin what they have going luckily. It does however affect Shohei's trust in him every now and again.
  • Shohei tends to get rather jealous when Dazai speaks with some women because most times he openly flirts with them. Although he does apologize to her after, this does cause part of the reason of Shohei's trust in him being a little iffy once again.
  • Dazai jokes with her and calls her his "suicide" partner because of her tendencies to be reckless and selfless about her own well-being in battle.
  • They are pretty fond of PDA, especially considering how touch and cheesy he is with words toward her. Plus, they feel they have to appreciate the romantic times with each other as much as they can. Dazai is also a fan of openly calling her names such as belladonna, angel, sweetheart, etc.
  • More casually, he calls her "Sho" while she just settles for calling him "Dazoo" or by his first name. Shohei rarely ever feels the need to use pet names for him, she's just personally not a fan.
  • Shohei helps Dazai to rewrap his bandages from time to time. He trusts her to know what's underneath, and in return she's rather careful with that topic. On the other hand, he treats her with the same care and gentleness when it comes to both large and small scars on her body.
  • This was in their later Mafia days for the most part, but there was a sense of safety that Shohei would feel when they were touching skin to skin. She didn't explain to him why, but he always had a feeling that it was because it kept her ability from hurting her if even for a small amount of time. Even currently, she still has the same habit, even if she's got a grip on her ability now.
  • Dazai will sometimes still get nervous when he sees her using her ability a lot because he doesn't want to see her hurt herself even further. Either way, he's still proud of how far she's come with being able to utilize it more.
  • Although he could easily tell that Shohei had feelings for him again after their reunion, he ended up sitting back and waited for her to actually say it to him just fpr the fun of it. She was a little mad at him for that when he told her lol.
  • The two of them started sharing an apartment rather quick, mainly because Dazai demanded that she move into his apartment. Shohei really wanted the one she had by herself for a while but he definitely just wouldn't let it down. Since he was so adamant about it, she tried to tell him she would only if they could potentially get a dog to make up for it. It was a silly offer that Dazai turned down, which Shohei was sad about but they at least settled for getting a cat instead.
  • They do like to drink together from time to time, though Dazai doesn't do so as much because he tends to have to be the designated driver to get them both back home.
  • Dazai tried very hard at one point to get her to cut back on drinking and smoking as much as she normally did. It was difficult, but she had a moment where she noticed that this meant he was truly showing how much he cares for her wellbeing. Since then, she decided to cut back for his sake.

Mutual relations


Character name


Relationship between Character A and this character. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Relationship between Character B and this character. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Character name


Relationship between Character A and this character. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Relationship between Character B and this character. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Character name


Relationship between Character A and this character. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Relationship between Character B and this character. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.