


6 years, 5 months ago


- Female

- Pansexual 

- She runs a shop littered with miscellaneous things she finds interesting; luckily others find it cool too.

- Trouble naturally follows her most of the time, but due to her believing it’s just karma... well, she tries to deal with it the best she can with a tired sigh.

- Her usual personality is completely energetic and upbeat; almost overbearing, really. But! When she snaps, it’s terrifying. She has an equal amount of self worth just as she cares for her friends, and if they don’t stick up for themselves, she will FIGHT. The same can’t be said for herself though, she usually doesn’t care.

- On the other hand, even the most stubborn, rude ones she can try to understand and bare with her patience.

- Because of how she values friendships though... usually she may have some mischievous pals as her friends too. Preferably, she can be the reasonable one, or sometimes the one that joins in.