Renrik Cadash



2 years, 1 month ago


NOTE: this page is currently incomplete and missing information.

Renrick Cadash is a prominent figure and is head and senior member of one of the biggest families in the surface Carta. He along with his wife have thirteen children in total, eight sons and five daughters, and dozens of grandchildren, all who are of age going on to be Carta members. He is generally an easy-going and chummy type of guy if you are cool with him, but that turns south pretty quick if he knows you wronged him or the people he's loyal to. His children describe him as a stern but loving father, though they often wish he was around more for them as he is always occupied with work, he is a family man to his core and they roll their eyes as he keeps the dad jokes coming non stop. He is approaching his late 40's and loves proving people wrong when they put him down for it, his sneaky rogue abilities only getting more polished with time.

evelyn trevelyan is inquisitor:
a good chunk of the lyrium the inquisition receives comes directly from renrick's family, he and the inquisitor being on good and friendly terms, meeting her face to face many times throughout inquisition and even accompanying her on a couple of missions. 

(au) renrick is inquisitor:
yo...... what are you doin. who let this man have this much power. hes fuckin everything up- HE KILLED THE CHARGERS??? UH UH THIS MANS DONE-
HES HAVING A THREESOME WITH DORIAN AND IRON BULL??!?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS WAS HIS GAY AWAKENING????? well i mean ill admit he does look kinda fruity but like. nah man. nah. he got too many kids hes too old for this shit