Charlii Alkmin



2 years, 2 months ago



Age: 73 Ions = 95 Earth years = Middle Aged, ~52 (Zugisains are expected to live to ~110 ions, 150 at the most.)

Age when Kilden are grown: 88 Ions = 117 Earth years = Later middle age, ~64

Species: Kild (Species and world by Jazzi Crystol)

Race: Zugisian

Gender: Male

Occupation: Clocksmith, Co-Founder of "Ironwood Clockworks," Incubation Center Curator/CEO

Personality: Chalii is a pillar of his community. His face is well known face on the streets of the Zugis Empire and he is well liked for his general good-nature and generosity. Charlii is a kind man with a soft heart, ready smile, and open mind!  

Relationship Status: Single, Widower

Height: 5'3

Website/Species info:


Former Wife: Sen-Nu, Vestinian Merchent

Son: Pili, Cristonian/Cirian Hybrid, Age Varies

Daughter: Mira, Cristonian/Cirian Hybrid, Age Varies

Business Partner: Phillip, Noctian Carpenter, Age 87 (late 40's.) Relationship: Friendly/Brotherly

Charlii is a "Kild," an open species of reptilian humanoid developed and designed by Jazzi Crystol!

Charlii lives in the Zugis Empire. He's lived there for most of his life, save ten or so ions in his young adulthood when the call for adventure pulled him to explore other kingdoms. Charlii makes a living creating and selling fine pieces of clockwork along with his longtime friend and business partner, Phillip! His works are known throughout Anistia, but rather than hoard his wealth he spends his fortune running an incubation center. In a world where many kilden (Kild Children) don't make it to adulthood, Charlii does all he can to help reduce infant/egg mortality and bring joy to the faces of his patients. Charlii is a kind man, a genuine pillar of his community known for his accepting demeanor, gentle heart and ready smile. He greets everykild  with a tip of his hat and a genuine grin. Charlii has many friends from all walks of life. Charlii treats everyone (especially strangers) as equals regardless of social status or race, despite the overt threat some races like Noctans and Vestinians can pose! His fortune commands respect, but high class nobles sometimes look down on him for his fondness of the 'lesser folk.' 

Charlii works as a clocksmith and Co-founder of Ironwood Clockworks. His hands are nimble despite the weathering of time and he has gained a deep knowledge of metalworking. He efficiently bends metal to his design, creating intricate gear systems for clocks as well as ornate, decorative casings and art pieces. Together Charlii and Phillip create beautiful hybrid works if metal and wood that sell for top dollar worldwide.  Their work is praised throughout Anistia, with most of their commissions coming from high-class nobles and far-flung places! Charlii would be a high-class noble himself, if he weren't more interested in running and maintaining the incubation center. Although some money is requested for his efforts, the center is largely a charity running on as little money as possible from the patients and as much as possible from Charlii's own wallet. With the steady flow of income from commission work, Charlii is more than capable of handling both while remaining well-off.

When Ironwood Clockworks was only a budding dream, Charlii fell in love with a tradeswoman who he bumped into during his short sabbatical abroad. Sen-Nu was an exotic and rare Vestinian beauty, a desert flower that immediately caught Charlii's interest. After a few years of courtship they were wed under the light of Solaxus and their markings glowed ever brighter to mirror the happiness in their hearts. They lived many decades together in peace, happiness, and prosperity. Sen-Nu would only leave Charlii's side to sell Ironwood's wares, and she always returned with untold riches of the kingdoms. Years ago, Sen-Nu left with a band of merchants to sell Charlii's most detailed work, a mechanical Valcor that sang the tune of an ancient Vestinian lullaby when wound.  During her journey a pack of Beon hounds caught sent and attacked the traveling caravan, killing all but two of the large party of traveling tradesmen. Despite thorough searching, no sign of Sen-Nu was ever found aside a small piece of hair that had gotten caught in the mechanical Sparrow's gears. Charlii has refused to make another music box since.

When Charlii heard of Sen-Nu's death the grief rocked him to his core. Stricken so, his soulstone cracked and Charlii lost the "spark" that drove him. The result was profound and immediate, manifesting as an abrupt loss of passion and interest in life along with chronic exhaustion, restlessness, sorrow, and despair. Despite the oppressive grief Charlii never lost his good nature and love of people, so he was happiest when helping others. It was this empathetic spirit that kept Charlii going and brought him a measure of joy even in his darkest moments, allowing him to reach towards ever-brighter days and hope for a better future. Despite many years of hoping and praying for the chance, Charlii and Sen-Nu were never able to hatch kilden of their own because of their genetic incompatibility. This does not mean they did not have eggs together, but that the egg would either remain infertile or die sometime during development. 

Because of his experiences with Sen and their unborn kilden, Charlii loves all kilden and feels true sorrow for those parents whose eggs never hatch. It would be the creation of his Hatchery that would ultimately pull him out of his depressive spiral post Sen's death, giving him a purpose in life beyond Ironwood Clockworks. While his ability to create art suffered after Sen's death, his interest in helping the downtrodden never faltered. The pure, unbridled joy on the faces of his patrons was infectious, and while he could never regain the entirety of what he once lost, he was able to regain a portion of who was in the service. Nowadays, the Hatchery is a constant source of joy and fulfillment in his life!


A few years back Charlii was surprised to find an egg dropped on his doorstep.  Terrified and grieving Sen-Nu's death, Charlii nearly rejected the egg for fear of a "cruel trick of fate." Eventually, Charlii decided to keep the egg and was rewarded with a miracle. He received the surprise of a lifetime when he successfully hatched out twins, a feat that was largely unheard of in a world where egg mortality is high under the best of circumstances. He is now the proud father of Miracle (Mira) and Pili Alkmin, who are his pride and joy in this world. Although he is far from completely healed, Mira and Pili offer a constant source of happiness and light into his life. Charlii loves nothing more than being a Dad and takes his responsibility seriously! 

Although the pain of Sen-Nu's death has lessened with time and distance, Solaxus remains a painful and harrowing time for the Kild. Charlii doubts that will ever change - nothing will completely heal the hole that Sen left - but with time, he imagines that he may be able to look at Solaxus with joy again. He works hard to create new memories and forge friendships. With the hatching of his kilden came a new chapter in his life, a chapter he looks forward to with optimism and excitement.