


2 years, 2 months ago


The red crane is a bird associated with luck. These cranes are divided into two factions: those that remain in their feathered form and bring luck to those that are fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of them, and those that take on the form of humans and live amongst them, bringing luck into peoples’ everyday lives without them knowing. Eteri was among the cranes that could take on a human form and live with them. However, Eteri started to wonder why cranes had to bring luck to other people. Why couldn’t the cranes keep any for themselves? Why did humans get to take what rightfully belonged to the cranes? (All of this was while she was whaling on a gacha game, trying to get her favorite character. She tried everything, from summoning rituals to drawing her favorite characters, trying to coax them to come home to her. Alas, luck was not on her side) Wanting to break her unlucky streak and keep her good luck to herself, Eteri decided to spend most of her time indoors, away from people so that she wouldn’t have to share her luck with them.

tldr: she's a human crane that became a NEET and just wants good gacha luck