Tbn's Comments

Hii I am desperate for a Rua so here is my offers for this rua, Aster, & Vivian :’D

Also offering for Andrew, Nana, or the Takemon MYO

Offering OCs from:

Marketplace (not tent)

General (semi-tent + includes EO & Airport)

Babies (tent)

Beloveds (high tent) — This folder is only UFO for them, or Andrew + the Takemon slot (together)

Your ocs are lovely but sadly i dont see myself using them all that much. And ur free to offer art or again in the future !! Since the ocs u have offered on i dont use and desspretly want them rehomed 😭🙏

That's alright :,) I’lll try my luck again later on when I have more OCs that match your prefs

I also can do customs, as a second option lol

Alr ill be waiting ^^, and sadly im not looking for customs at the moment but thank u