Amuro Levy



2 years, 2 months ago


"Why should I go and fall apart for you?"

| Info

Name: Amuro Leviathan

Age: 10,000+

Species: Pit viper


Nickname: Levy

Gender: Male

Alignment: Evil Neutral

Role: ?


Levy is a very sarcastic. He can be a bit rude at times, but most of the time, he means it light heartedly. Levy is very awkward and has really bad stage fright. Though he may seem reserved and distant, he's really cuddly and sweet when he's comfortable with you.

| Design

  • The nose ring is optional :]
  • Random patches of scales throughout body
  • Eyes and bones glow in the dark
  • Left fang sticks out while the right fang is chipped
  • Three tattoos: A snake on his right arm, a snake on his left leg (in his human form) and a pentagram on his back
  • Wears dangly jewelry
| Trivia
  • Shapeshifter
  • Japanese
  • Has autism
  • Very gay
  • Transmasc
  • Loves to bake
  • Loves cheesy romance books/movies


| Relationships

Jane and Tamiko wear pen pals before they died and still remain very close in the Afterlife

Marc and Tamiko don't have the best history together, Tamiko choosing not to interact with Marc which is slightly hard considering he is best friends with Marc's sister.

Malum and Tamiko had their ups and downs, but they end up getting married.

Category 2

They are mainly just co-workers, their interactions mostly being jokes about each other's gender.

Haru and Tamiko are brothers, they didn't have the best relationship in the past life and never interact in the Afterlife.

Aiko is Tamiko's older sister, their relationship was complete shit, with Aiko breaking Tamiko down their whole childhood.