Sirius Crawford



2 years, 2 months ago


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"My, my. Seems like we've another unfamiliar face roaming about. No matter, no matter. Sirius Crawford, at your service! Let's get along, hmm?"

  • DESIGNER azenshio
  • VERSES Prismatic Voyage, Flight of The Crows
  • ALIASES Shadowlord, Devil of Shadows
  • BIRTHDAY August 18
  • RACE Devil
  • TYPOLOGY tbd
  • HEIGHT 190cm/6'4"
  • DOM. HAND Right-handed
  • AFFILIATON Avillion
  • VOICE Kenichi Suzumura (Crowley Eusford)
  • Dancing
  • Light reading
  • Old songs
  • Family
  • Open spaces, greenery
  • Acoustic guitars. Enjoys strumming them, but can't play
  • Secretly enjoys and likes the idea of slow dancing. He just can't dance
  • Mirrors

The Blacksword Hunter. an infamous mercenary wanted on accounts of murder, robbery, and smuggling. Ruthless prowess, carnage is what he leaves in his wake. Previously worked under a certain Devil until his reign ended.

Despite his fearsome reputation and smug look, most are surprised to see he's quite friendly and approachable—when he's off-duty, that is. His lax demeanor would hardly ever lead anyone to think he was a criminal. Zaphorone is always up for a small chat and is sometimes even willing to lend a helping hand. However, the large black sword on his back, the Sable Edgereaver, serves as a stark reminder to never underestimate him—neither does he ever underestimate others, if the daggers he stores in his leg pouches are an indication of anything.

His mercenary work was picked up as a way to make money for his end goal: Revenge. He does not disclose any details behind his cause nor the exact reasons as to why, only that he is looking for a group of people he had history with years ago.

Zaphorone is not his real name. He never divulges into his past, nor does he ever go into detail about the scars that mar his body. His past is a tale he longs to be forgotten, yet reminders of who he once was occasionally resurface.


Zaphorone is a cool-headed, laid-back, and confident man. Despite his occupation, he seems to behave amicably to those he works with and rarely ever finds the need to intimidate others to do his bidding (if his reputation wasn't already enough). Though, he is not afraid to use intimidation or threats if necessary. His calmness extends to even the most heated of battles, where Zaphorone could continue exchanging devastating blows acting entirely unbothered with either a focused look or smug smirk on his face. Zaphorone is highly strategic and takes calculated risks, though sometimes his overestimation of himself could cause errors.

His fighting style is quick and ruthless—leaving the opponent no time to counter. Despite this, Zaphorone is not sadistic and doesn't actively try to prolong his target's pain any more than he needs to if the situation allows it. Oftentimes, he does not kill for his own benefit and its mainly something he does for work only, unless if the situation doesn't allow him to take any other action. Zaphorone doesn't question his employer's motives as long as the money is right. However, he absolutely refuses to partake in anything involving kids. Even willing to cross his employer just to keep any child safe.

Zaphorone is, in a way, noncommital. He avoids long-term relationships whether it be platonic or romantic. When he feels that he is getting too close to someone, he pulls back immediately and may even disappear. If he stays in a domestic and peaceful area for too long, he grows incredibly uncomfortable and sick as a result of past events. Though he acts friendly to everyone he meets, he always makes sure to keep them at arms length and to not let any tidbits of his life leak. He never tells about his past, aside from any old job he's taken upon.

Yet in the midst of this assassin, blade honed like its his third arm and spirit hardened through his assignments, there are some curious peeks into his true, genuine nature. The one that he has buried and left behind for years. But no matter how much it continues to dig its way up, Zaphorone has no intention of returning it from the grave.

VOICE: Zaphorone speaks in a relaxed and casual manner with a bit of an accent. He lets his words come off loose with a drawl, and hardly ever sounds strict or firm. He speaks simply and doesn't bother using flowery words nor does he try to make himself seem charming.

HANDWRITING: Zaphorone can write using both hands, but prefers using his left over his right. His penmanship is rather simple, but a little stylized, using uppercase letters as lowercase letters instead. It seeems bold, in a way.

Zaphorone is a tall, muscular man appearing in his mid-late 30s with deep red-brown hair to his neck. His shoulders are broad and he has a large back becoming more narrow as it continues down to his waist. He has thick eyebrows and baggy but relaxed orange-yellow eyes, but due to the blindness on his left eye, its become a hazy gray. His nose is broad but a tad visibly broken. Scars run across practically his entire body, although the most notable ones are the ones on his right cheek, left eye, and the one across his neck. He has gray-black horns atop his head, but one half of the right horn has been cleaved off.

Most of his attires are kept simple. Zaphorone wears a tight-fitting short sleeve black shirt (note: its xxl), dark denim cargo jeans with a few rips, along with a belt. His shoes are colored black with lines of gray on the top, sides, and sole. He uses this same attire for fighting. He also uses piercings on both ears.

When he goes on an outing or generally has to leave for a while, he wears a long-sleeve gray military shirt with black gloves and gray pants with a leg pouch strapped on. His shoes are changed into black combat boots. Though, his clothes are usually obscured by the large, tattered cloak he wears. He can also use this cloak over his normal clothes.


  • Scars cover his body from head to toe. He used to actively cover them up, but now its mostly visible. Important ones are the ones on his neck, right cheek, and left eye. The design of the scars on his arms isn’t important but he has a lot there.
  • Dorito build (lol).
  • Piercings on both ears.
  • Has a distaste for stuffy suits or anything overly formal. Chooses to go for comfort above everything else when possible.
  • Pockets and leg pouches. Stores knives and daggers there.
  • Veiny arms and hands but its less prominent because of his scars.
  • Cooking
  • Woodcarving
  • Sparring
  • Light reading
  • Exercising
  • He always keeps weapons nearby when he's asleep. Like a gun or a knife underneath his bed.
  • Sometimes taps his foot unconsciously when he listens to a song he likes.
  • Always keeps small knives or daggers in his leg pouches and pockets.
  • Can randomly cook simple meals when he feels like it—or when he's bored. Sometimes shares his meals with others if possible.
  • Makes dad jokes. Not that often though because it ruins his image.
  • Doesn't brush his hair often in the morning and hardly notices if it looks messy until someone points it out.
  • Sleeps shirtless, especially after a nightmare or if he just finished showering.
  • His reputation earns him a variety of different jobs.
  • Very amicable. Few find conflict with him unless if they breach his creed.
  • Very self-sufficient and resourceful; experienced in crafting his own supplies. He can survive on his own just fine.
  • Great dexterity allows him to wield a plethora of different melee weapons.
  • Even without his reputation, his large and muscular figure is enough to discourage others from trying anything on him. Zaphorone sees it as a convenience sometimes.
  • Lacks skill using ranged weapons.
  • Blind left eye causes decreased visibility.
  • Though he takes his jobs seriously and finishes them swiftly, he can be a little overconfident of his skills, which sometimes lead to errors.
  • Has a tendency to suddenly leave without saying a word if somethiing makes him uncomfortable. Happens when he feels physically sick staying in a certain place.
  • Very secretive. Though, in his line of work, this could be considered a good thing.
  • Zaphorone's attitude can be taken as being too lax sometimes, it almost seems like he doesn't care about anything.
  • Weapon Mastery — The Blacksword Hunter is skilled in a variety of melee weapons, maximizing its use in battle with swiftness and efficiency. He can handle larger and smaller weapons easily, and always keeps at least three of them on his person; but he visibly brandishes only two blades. However, even though he has skill with long-ranged weapons, he lacks ample experience with them and due to his blind left eye, he can only shoot what his right eye sees.
  • Sword — Zaphorone carries a normal sword at his waist. The sword is relatively standard, if not a little decorated. He mostly uses only his sword for jobs he considers ‘easy’, but can use both his sword and Sable Edgereaver in tandem if he sees it necessary.
  • Sable Edgereaver — A large black sword with sharp, jagged edges. The Sable Edgereaver is a weapon Zaphorone specifically commissioned and has been his primary weapon he uses in his mercenary work. It is also the weapon that people know him for, and what his alias is attributed to.
  • Immense Physical Strength — Although born without any magic at all, Zaphorone compensates for it with a massive amount of strength. Even for being a normal demon, his strength is considered extraordinary and he can easily kill a beast with his bare hands.
  • Poison Tolerance — Practiced through mithridatism, Zaphorone has a high tolerance for a large number of poisons, that even lethal ones in typical dosages cannot kill him.
  • Tactical Acumen — Due to his past experience, Zaphorone has a serviceable wealth of tactical intellect and can easily form a plan on his own, if provided with the right information. Zaphorone is quick in battle and can analyze his opponent’s movements and abilities within a matter of mere minutes.

  • FOOD No preference
  • DRINK No preference
  • COLOR Sangria red, brown, yellow
  • MUSIC Blues, R&B, rock and roll
  • ANIMAL Bear, cow
  • SEASON Summer, spring
  • THEMES Military, war
  • "You want me to teach you how to fight? Uh… Well, I can give you some tips, but I ain’t the best teacher, so… I’m not sure how you want me to go about this. Sorry."
  • "You got stronger. Your hands don’t shake when you grip your weapon anymore, that’s good. Oh, but still—you’re not strong enough to take me on. What’s with that angry look? Haha, relax. I’m kiddin’. Maybe when you’re strong enough, we can spar."
  • "I can never read what Boss is thinking. ‘S not like it bothers me, and it’s not like I’ve ever really cared what any of my employers think about—but for someone like him, you’ve got to start to at least know what he’s thinkin’ sometimes. Otherwise, who knows what could happen?"
  • "You want to know my real name? Heh. I guess the name ‘Zaphorone’ does sound a little tacky, haha. Sorry, no can do. Maybe if you beat me in a fight… Would I tell you then? Mm. Who knows. We’ll just have to see, yeah? Heh, c’mon. Entertain me a little."
  • "Honestly, I’ve never really cared about his victory. I mean, in a way, his goals are mine, but it’s really just because I work for him. I don’t care about stuff like conquering lands and killing Deities. This is just another job for me."
  • "Still sleepy huh? Heh, I get that. Better you go take a nap later when you can. Don’t want you dozin’ off out there."
  • "Ooh—Belle, hahaha. That girl’s a crazy one—in all of the best ways. Don't be one of the guys thinkin' she was all cute and sweet. I’ve seen her beat down loads of the guys here just for fun, and she came out not even with a single scratch. We spar sometimes, and I've gotta say, she really puts the others here on the lowest bar."
  • "I eat what I’ve got and I cook my own meals. Nothing grandiose or fancy, but it works. Although, y’know... I’m really starting to miss jelly."
  • There are few mirrors in his palace in Avillion. The ones in his room are covered with a blanket that he rarely opens.
  • Used to need help from Raelynn to do his makeup. Now, they both do each other's makeup.
  • Awful sleeping schedule.
  • His wariness causes him to be a light sleeper. Even the quietest creak of the floorboards will have him jolt awake. In all honesty, he needs sleeping pills to get some decent night's rest.
  • All the furnitre in his cabins face towards any entry way in the room, never to a wall. If there's a blind spot, Zaphorone puts a mirror to counter it. Though practical, his house can look rather peculiar at times.
  • Surprisingly skilled in cooking. Its nothing grandiose or particularly special, but he can whip up some delicious meals, if on the simpler side of recipes. He claims it was just for survival but its obvious he just genuinely enjoys it.
  • Additionally, he would cook for Belle when they were together.
  • Surprisingly good with kids.

Former Employer

One of Zaphorone's former employers. His megalomania and thirst for power has left a certain impression of Zaphorone since his employment. Used to casually call him 'Boss'. Though he worked for him and carried out his tasks, Zaphorone never shared the Devil's ambition in conquering lands and killing Deities, and merely sees it as another job he was contracted to do. If Zaphorone had to speak honestly, he would admit he didn't hold any loyalty to Crow due to his obsessions and dangerous goals. More so than any other employers he's had before. Despite this, he behaves languidly around Crow and treats him like he would any other person. Was appointed as a leading figure among his army due to his tactical acumen and sheer strength until the Devil's demise.

Belle Ume

Co-Worker, Girlfriend...?

A former co-worker he met through his employment with Crow, eventually becoming her boyfriend. Zaphorone thinks fondly of Belle and sees her as someone very fun to be around, while also admiring her prowess. Was never annoyed with her antics or insanity and instead saw it as a breath of fresh air. Eventually, the two would engage in flings before she became his girlfriend, though the two agreed it wouldn't progress into anything major other than just something to pass the time with while they work. Zaphorone claims to not harbor any genuinely romantic feelings towards her, but he used to sometimes act affectionate or intimate with her before he caught himself. With the downfall of Crow and the chaos that ensued, Zaphorone has not seen her since, and firmly believed she was dead—up until recently.

Meline Lochlyn


A figure from the past he's desperately trying to sever ties with.

"That name. I... No, don't know it. I think its better if we stop talking here. Got it?"

Code by Aurorean