


2 years, 2 months ago


Astraar Smaragsaylreoss

  • NameAstraar
  • Age13
  • Pronounshe/him
  • ClassWizard
  • ReligonThe Dragon Above


  • In general, reading
  • Specifically, reading while curled up next to a fire
  • Rain
  • What is apparently called, turkey


  • Snow
  • Being interupted
  • Chores
  • Spinach

Being a trapped in a kind of magical statis only to find out the something like four thousand years have passed is kind of a jarring experience. So far, Astraar has been taking it fairly well, or at least been good with putting up a face. An absolute book nerd at heart, he now seeks to figure out what happened, and read every book he comes across while he's at it. He's begining to make some friends in this new world, and they helping him to actually be a kid rather than an eternal student.



Before the incident

In the year 17535 AR (-2887 SR) Astraar was a student of the prestigious Kaeldnameor Academy on the (then) Mordenheim Coast. An ambitious student, Astraar dedicated himself fully to his studies far surpassing the expectations of a student several years older than him. His best friends Ambrose and Ersei, two silver dragons about the same age as him, made sure he spent time doing anything other than sticking his nose in dusty old tomes. Despite Astraar's best efforts, they still managed to get themselves in trouble a handful of times.

This changed one night when something rocked the Academy to it's foundation. Astraar cannot recalled what exactly happen, other than remembering shouting, a loud roar, and then nothing.

Awakening in Ashmenemat

What was both an instant and an eternity later, Astraar found himself in a tunnel, surrounded by humanoids he'd never seen before. Confused and dazed, they slowly pieced together that Astraar was not from around here, and perhaps more importantly, four thousand years had passed since he had apparently entered into a strange magical stasis in a sphere.

In the last four thousand years, things had certainly changed. The names of the lands, the geography of the continent, and more concerning of all for him, the fact dragons were now regarded as some kind of myth.

Astraar spent weeks in a bookstore across the street from the Inn under the guise of "helping" in order to devour the contents of the books there. What had happened to the dragons? What is the state of the world now? He was able to answer some of those questions, though not nearly to the extent he'd have liked.

Things changed when three other kids moved into the Inn as well. They were determined to get this strange "half-elf" out and away from his books and into adventure on the Ashemenemhat streets. While initially hesitant, he's come to grow fond of his new friends and their antics. Even if some of their ideas are catastrophically bad. Someone has to be the voice of reason, right?




Ives is always there to help Astraar find a certain book, or to help explain a passage that he's having some trouble parsing. Admitting he requires some assistance with them is something he doesn't trust most others with. Astraar absolutely treasures the notebook that Ives gifted him. He misses talking to his arcane mentor and confiding his thoughts with him.




Astraar has decided not to disagree with Gnort's accessement that Gnort is a dragon, and just sort of let things be. Astraar knows that Gnort is there for him and wants to see him succeed. Considering the brief time that Astraar has known them, the Inn is a bit quieter with them gone, and Astraar misses their hugs.




Despite Vinali's constant reminders to remember to brush his teeth, wash behind his ears, and stop staying up so late, Astraar know that it's just that she cares and wants to see him healthy and one piece. He respects it, and while may not directly admit it, does appreciate it, and he looks forward to her coming back from the Dessarin Valley. Though really, 1 am isn't that late, please.




While Vinali tries to make sure he takes care of himself, Kaimana tries to make sure he takes care of his surroundings. Ugh, chores. (That candle wax on the table isn't hurting anyone!) Still, Astraar knows she's not malicious, and tries to ensure he gets the meals he needs througought the day, and when not directly cooking it herself that the turkey convienently finds it's way to in front of Smurgle when he makes his creations.



Study buddy (friend)

Energetic and more extroverted than he his, Nat and Astraar still bond over a shared desire to gain knowledge, particularily in the arcane arts. Nat leads adventures during the day, and in the evenings Astraar leads their study sessions. In both fields of endeavour they always look out for each other. It's a remarkable cooperation that has left Astraar growing quite close to Nat.



Bad influence (friend)

Despite his vocal misgivings, Astraar does appreciate the adrenaline that Squiddly's idea's of fun cause him to go through. That appreciation generally comes the following day though when looking back at it. In the moment Astraar doesn't always agree.



Co-voice of reason (friend)

Together, Jenks and Astraar are the voices of reason for their friend group. It doesn't always work, but they can take solace together that they were right. They both enjoy quiet times together, Astraar reading a book, and Jenks thinking through and writing his music. While it might not be exactly his cup of tea, Astraar still like Jenks trusts him enough to share his music with him.

Design Notes

  • A scrawny lad, in humanoid form
  • Emerald hair and eyes
  • Wears glasses
  • Prefers to have his clothes be in shades of silver
Skin (#ffd7bf)
Eyes (#2fb22b)
Hair (#00a64b)

"There are never enough books"