


2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Silaluk (means storm in inuktitut)

Age: at least 5 years

Gender & orientation: Female (trans) & not labelled (pronouns: she/they)

Mate: Tikaani♀️

Cubs: Tanaraq♀️(reborn as a human with a polar bear' soul), Ulva♀️ (Ulva's mate: Qimmiq, she calls them sometimes Qimmiarjuk (little dog)

Mother & father: Sikuaq & unnamed father

Appearance: Big white polar bear with grey ears, neck fur, legs and markings on the face, grayish dark blue eyes, star shaped silver jewelry on her ears and right cheek + moon shaped silver jewel

Species: polar bear

Personality: Silaluk is friendly to others if they're friendly to her, she follows her instincts most of the time and takes care of her family. She has courage to defend her loved ones, as well her food because she's pretty strong and large. She's very caring and wants good for everyone.

History: Silaluk was born as a male but was still given the name Silaluk even though it's feminine name, maybe because her parents liked it. As a cub she was always exploring the environment and sometimes she got some trouble because of the other bears but that just made her stronger. As a teenager she was so wild that she even stole other bears' food (and got beaten up sometimes). Silaluk figured out that she isn't a male when she got her first friends who were male. She was too scared to tell her friends and family so she runaway and met Tikaani. Tikaani was a young female bear who wouldn't do bad to anyone. Silaluk felt a stitch in her heart and fell in love with that polar bear. They started their journey together and Tikaani noticed she was carrying their children in her stomach. They continued their journey, Silaluk wanted a perfect home to her family but they had to go across the ocean. (They were on Prince of Wales Island and they wanted to go to Victoria Island) It was really dangerous especially for Tikaani. Silaluk helped her mate to survive but they both nearly died because of the orcas. Somehow they survived and then they started to make a nest. Tikaani gave birth to their daughters Tanaraq and Ulva. Silaluk wanted to teach everything her daughters would need to survive on the ice fields. 

Other: Lives with her family in Kitlineq (Victoria Island), Canada