Jed (foundry au)



1 month, 26 days ago


Jedidiah Chavis

aka Jed • any pronouns

kinda average
Melungeon/Mexican (mestizo)
who's asking?
none/odd jobs
Bad luck hexes / True Sight

"He's been dead for awhile, we should move on if we don't wanna join 'im."

Jed is comfortable in being an other that most people overlook, living on the fringes of society, just out of sight. They survive by hitchhiking and stumbling their way from one in between to the next. They don't necessarily avoid people so much as they avoid staying still. Not very many constants in their life.

Jed rarely has much to their name, so to get by they often find themself doing what they can in the small towns they end up to help the people there, sometimes in exchange for money, other times for a couch to sleep on, or a good meal, maybe even a favor in the future. They don't sweat too much of the details, play it by ear, by what people are willing to part with or what they need. Some of the time it's just odd jobs, and Jed has found themself to be a bit of a jack of all trades, learning lots of small useful skills. Other time, their primary skillset comes into play, helping people with problems of a supernatural nature. Those usually tend to be...a bit more eventful.


Jedidiah has what their grandparents would call the Sight. Essentially, they're immune to illusion or invisibility, magical, scientific or otherwise. They possess the ability to always percieve something's true form and intent, and sense the presence of malicious, dangerous, or simply magical creatures in their immediate vicinity. This can be focused at time to something more akin to scrying, focusing on a being's specific energy to track them down, but Jed personally isn't very good at this yet and hasn't done it much at all.

The most frequent way their Sight manifests is the ability to see spirits of the dead as real and presennt as one would percieve a living person in front of them. They cannot usually physically interact, but at first glance they're virtually indistinguishable from a living person. Most people aren't aware of the frequency of restless ghosts all around them, so Jed can often use them to get advice or an extra edge in insight to the people around them.

Jed also has the ability to focus misfortune on whoever they choose. Sometimes this effort is more conscious than other times, but they've gotten enough control at this point that it's rarely unwilling or unintentional. This can be pretty mild bad luck or horrific freak accidents depending on the intensity of Jed's drive for something bad to happen to the other person, object, or place.

The Story Thus Far



  • Jed is haunted by the spectre of a young girl. She rarely speaks, and Jed is unsure even now if the haunting is of a spiritual or psychological nature.
  • If you offer something to Jed, they'll probably partake. They'll do most anything once.
  • Jed has a possum that started following them around in WV and is basically his pet. It's called Lil' Debbie cuz it started eating their snacks when Jed first found it.
  • Lil' Debbie knows how to hop trains. Jed couldn't shake her if they tried.
  • Jed often makes a show of getting rid of a spirit but in reality usually just talks to them.



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