Odette and Hibiki *



8 years, 9 months ago


Name: Odette Age: 19 Hobby: Going to raves Likes: Dubstep, Raves, Bunnies, Blue, Hibiki, Flirting Dislikes: Hipsters, When the music stops, being compared to swan princess Personality: Flirty, Manipulative, energetic, free, wild Past: Teased growing up for having the name and look of Odette she has hated the swan princess ever since. She has a small birthmark on her mid lower back that looks like a swan. Her parents are doting but always busy. She resents them a little. Giving her the name and then leaving her alone to deal with the consequences. Shes not afraid to use any means to get what she wants from them. Somewhere along the line when she was little she came across a blue stuffed bunny that could talk. His name Hibiki. He is now her constant companion. When she gets mad at him or just wants to tease him she will strap on the detachable back pack strings and use him as her personal backpack. Together they go to raves and dubstep concerts. She does what she can to forget the darkest parts of her life. (if you rp with her you will discover that eventually) She uses her beauty to get what she wants. Loving the attention she receives from flirting and such. Bunny Bio Name: Hibiki sex: Male Age: Unknown Hobby: Acompanying Odette Likes: Cussing, Flirting with Odette, Making Odette mad, Being Odettes only real friend Dislikes: Having back pack strings on and being used as a back pack, Getting dirty (hates being in washer) Personality: Foul mouthed, Perverted, evil, protective Past: Nothing is known. He can use the zipper on his back and tends to pull out the most random of things. its almost like magic. he is super protective of Odette. Not much else is known about the mysterious Hibiki