
2 years, 2 months ago


Triton character bought from kim__elis for $60 on 29.03.2022 via Twitter

Full name: Malux Marnas "Guppengale" of Balrosath the 8th

Height: 4’ 7" (139.7 cm)

Malux Gali Zale (Manny for short) towards others.

Zale: name for sea strength
Manny is the nickname
Gali: Hebrew name for wave


Tanky healing Guardian
strength, constitution and charme

Standing by oath to stand against the forces of evil.  Trained for years to learn the skills of combat, mastering a variety of weapons and armor. Even so, martial skills are secondary to the magical power wielding: power to heal the sick and injured, to smite the wicked and the undead, and to protect the innocent and those who join them in the fight for justice.

Manny is more like a Guardian. Since not religious but trusting ownself. Does have the protector instinct and wishes to do what one can. Being very strong in attack and defense, making sure those around are safe.


on Tritons

Tritons guard the ocean depths, building small settlements beside deep trenches, portals to the elemental planes, and other dangerous spots far from the eyes of land-bound folk. Long-established guardians of the deep ocean floor, the noble tritons have gradually become increasingly active in the world above. Tritons reach maturity around age 15 and can live up to 200 years. Tritons are slightly shorter than humans, averaging about 5 feet tall
A child of the sea, can call on the magic of elemental air and water. Can cast foggy clouds/mist, gust of wind, wall of water and other water specific powers.  
Can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. Can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Has an extraordinary affinity with Aquatic beasts. Can communicate simple ideas with beasts that can breathe water. They can understand the meaning of your words, and this specific Triton learned to understand them in return.

Adapted to even the most extreme ocean depths, having resistance to cold damage.

speak, read, and write Common and Primordial.
Can live up to 200 years old.

Tritons tend to be hunter-gatherers. Why do I say that they are  civilized, not savages, when I would not say this of hunter-gatherer  societies on the surface? Quite simply, it is the plenty of the oceans.  Hunter-gatherers on the surface often spend most of the daylight simply  to provide one day’s food—and as such, language, ethics, and culture never develop. Yet the Tritons are hunter gatherers with an incredibly rich culture. This occurs because there is food everywhere, and they work together easily. They never over-hunt, and they work together easily as a group. Their typical hunting pattern is to find a school of fish and begin to swim in large circles around them, while one (the “netman” remains far below). Slowly, all three will close in bit by bit  (“tightening the net” they call it)—each circle gets a foot tighter, then a foot tighter, and so on, while the netman slowly comes from the bottom. The fish’s instincts cause the school to congregate closer and closer to the center, until eventually the netman can cast and bring in the entire school. A party of ten Tritons can easily find enough food in a single net-tightening to feed them for days.

Kelp and plants are also harvested. It seems that Tritons are just as susceptible to poisoning by undercooked food as we are; however, they have developed an ingenious method of using various algaes and seaweeds to “cook” their food without a fire. These are apparently highly acidic and, with proper wrapping and treatment, the seafood is rendered safe to eat. In the coastal villages near Minifera, this technique has been picked up by a few local restaurants, which they are calling ceviche. The surface chefs use lemons and limes to achieve the same result, and the citrusy flavors  (totally exotic and unknown to the Tritons) have become quite popular in Minifera. A significant amount of Triton trade along the coastline is now for sealed barrels of lemon and lime juice, to add more flavoring to their undersea diets.

Neither alcohol nor tobacco are used by Tritons underwater, and their bodies are not at all used to their consumption. This has led to more than one incident when Tritons travel to the Surface, and Tritons should be served alcohol only in moderation and with caution—for your good as well as theirs.

Triton hair tended to be dark blue or dark green, and were worn in the form of long, flowing ‘manes’. Triton men typically cut their hair around five inches past their shoulders, braiding it to keep it out of their eyes. While triton women occasionally followed this rule, they have also been known to let it flow free. Triton hair did not grow within two inches of the base of their pointed ears, giving the  appearance that it had been shaved there. When heading into combat, they often bound their hair into styles such as tight ponytails, so as to aintain visibility. They were also known to weave pieces of coral or metal into their hair for emergency use as bludgeons

Triton eyes typically seemed to vary between brilliant shades of green or blue. If seen in standard lighting (typically within 200 feet of the surface of the sea or near a typical torch), their eyes appeared similar to a human’s. In dim lighting, their pupils expanded greatly to allow for better sight in the dark, sometimes turning the entire eye black.  Their eyes also possessed a nictitating membrane, which protected them from sudden changes or flashes in light. All of this allowed for them to have normal vision even up to depths of 1,000 feet under the sea, though the triton were known to be able to safely swim down to 3,000 feet

Tritons were a very proud people, with many biases and preconceptions as a result of their way of life. Having spent centuries protecting the world from supposed great evils under the sea, they believed they were entitled to a certain amount of fealty and respect from other races something that was rarely acknowledged due to the lack of awareness many people held for the triton. Their isolation from the rest of the world also left them ignorant of the grand achievements of other civilizations or struggles the rest of the world has dealt with. When they were aware of such things, they considered them minor compared to the triton’s attempts to protect the world.

Despite this, the triton were a noble and kind-hearted people who valued the world and other races. Their arrogance aside, they would readily sacrifice themselves to protect others, willing to fight and die  for the other races of the world. They harbored a sense of guilt over allowing the evils of the Elemental Plane of Water threaten this world, and felt a need to make up for this crime. The fact that their name, ‘Triton’, translated to ‘guardian’ in their language is an example of their heroic nature.


The tritons had a special weapon that was unique solely to their culture, known as the tapal. These were weapons traditionally carried through family lines, to be presented to a triton when they become an adult. 

Tapals were made at undersea hydrothermal vents, which were hot enough for tritons to smelt metals and minerals underwater. They were carved from an unknown crystalline material and made specifically for each triton warrior. The techniques were a closely guarded secret of their species. The tapal could be considered a combination of a dagger, spear, and longsword, able to be moved quickly to stab or slash without being slowed by water resistance and with little physical effort. The shorter, hook-like end of the arc was meant to stay near the body. Held with arms extended, the long curving edge and rounded front point were used by tritons to slash at enemies while swimming past them. The front arc, a wide and massive tip, could also be thrust like a dagger. Alternatively, the tapal could be flipped so that the long end  pointed forward, with the secondary handle towards the middle allowing it to be gripped with two hands. In this way, it could be used similarly  to a spear. The one-handed tapal was a long blade with an arcing shape, reminiscent of an angular fisherman's hook though wider and with a  razor-sharp outer edge and two handles inside the arc. When gripped, the  hand was protected and the unequal-length blades lay along the forearm and nearly to the shoulders. The greater tapal was larger and wielded in two hands, with a chevron-shaped blade and two handles.

Triton were also known to use more traditional weapons, such as unique aquatic variants of crossbows, designed with thicker wire and reinforced to withstand the pressure of the sea. They also used other aquatic weapons, such as stingray whips, daggers, javelins, nets, and their favored weapons, tridents. Triton weapons were often made from bone or coral, with enchantments to strengthen them. Some used metal, with magical enhancements to make them immune to rusting and pitting.

The triton of Serôs wore silverweave armor, which was crafted from a light and flexible fabric made out of silver coral fronds treated so that it had the durability of chainmail but moved like cloth. This was rarely worn outside of war, and usually was worn to protect the legs.

Triton spellcasters tended to use various shells in the place of magical staves. When it came to writing down spells, they shunned books in favor of carving spells into a cavern wall, typically in a language only the triton wizards knew and in a cave only they can access

Triton believed in the Law of Duels, in which two combating armies would instead put forward their champions to represent their faction and fight a personal challenge. This public conflict could have  been nonlethal and to first blood, if the challenged (not the challenger) chosen so

Tritons had good relations with giant sea horses, hippocampi, and sea lions, such that these creatures would hark to a summons by the sounding of a conch shell horn. They were uneasy around dolphins, who would invade their space without care and often would try to break down the triton’s aloof attitude. The triton also domesticated twilight turtles, a species of black-and-purple aquatic turtles which glowed with bioluminescence, while also acting as a pack animal.

Triton had a number of sapient allies. In Serôs, their allies included the shalarin, the merfolk, the morkoth of Qatoris, and the inhabitants of Myth Nantar.

They were sometimes found as courtiers or servants in the palace of the marid Kalbari al-Durrat al-Amwaj ibn Jari, the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls, and entire tribes of them would occasionally accompany her whenever she traveled on the Prime Material plane. Besides her, tritons often acted as bodyguards of traveling marids. 

Despite their xenophobic attitude, the triton rarely killed outsiders without reason. Instead, their preferred method of dealing with intruders depended on the quality of the individual, which was  tested in a triton court. Those deemed innocent awakened the next day on a nearby shore, while the guilty were stripped of their belongings and set adrift ten miles from the nearest shore. This practice was called leaving them “to the fate of the seas”

Been isolated for a long time by "entitled A++" (family) and while others are arrogant, Manny didn´t want to be like that. Sense of duty and protects what is possible (underwater police in a way or bodyguard)
Some laugh off Manny´s size, but never underestimate as this small tank can absolutely ruin your day (and your hair)
in a way "slightly" arrogant.

Socially awkward and will learn what is there.,
like a lil mermaid, fascinated with all the going on´s in the world around. While at times can be an insulting one if things don´t go as planned.

8th offspring of the family bloodline "Guppengale" (royalty) and basically all siblings are "married off" to each kingdoms offspring of the sea´s (a hint on the 7 sea s in a way)
Not seen as "worthy" at times by the kingdom, setting out to do what one can. Soon knowing that rules are bendable as well. Even for a "royal" While surfing near the homearea, discovering a group in need of help on land and helping as it is in nature.
A moment where things set off. Especially as it was more than once that Manny saved others from drowning at the ships near the dangerous cliffs.
Has a favourite spot in his home where Manny can be just Manny. Own lil cave with access to land, where soon made a small hutlike structure.

Never leaving home, time will call upon the even smallest and fiercest ones and setting the adventure on and a learning curve.

Has observed how others cook and learning from them out of curiosity.


While Manny´s body looks amazing, androgynous like, Manny can change sex, depending on the size of the community. Gender swap linked to a hormone level in their environment.
making it part of both sides. Manny just likes beeing called by name. Doenst mind if beeing refered to he/she/it as long as there is respect.
Can wear anything as it suits nicely and won´t shy away from trying any type of clothing.


While Manny enjoys to be underwater, above things can be exciting as well. Usually seen surfing along the waves and relaxing with the tunes while playing.
Doens´t shy of going above the surface even if his family is more against it as they don´t want others to visit below, even with the protective side, Manny is still a very honorable Triton.


-Martial arts skilled for land and water.
-Air, Water and Ice powers



-silverweave armor Manny has with him in bag of holdings. (most protect the legs)
-shell horn Manny has to summon his water companion or call upon
-Beltbag A special bag of holding of items
-Shield Practical to place on Manny´s back, expands to a surfboard thanks to magic.

Has a companion:  twilight turtle a species of black-and-purple aquatic turtles which glowed with bioluminescence, while also acting as a pack animal. Calls him Marco


-Triton: bone melted with Metal and added with coral (decorative), with enchantments to strengthen them and make them immune to rusting and pitting.
-Tapal: inherited by family as Manny got old enough to travel.
-Stingray Whip: carries around as a belt. the "Holster" is the front of Manny´s belt
-Daggers in various sizes. 2 in plain sight while some well hidden
-Shield practical and strong, doesn´t rust and strong against enemies.

Manny later combines the weapons in one making it able that the triton is also usable as a crossbow.
Making it that the triton (combo of crossbow and staff) ,the Stingray Whip and Tapal is all Manny needs


-Has a coral and metal decoration in hair to keep them up (as well as to use in case of emergency)
-can´t hold alcohol nor tobacco as he had never experienced it and get´s easily drunk. (his first drunkness will for sure be interesting)
-Can cook the underwater recipies of the Tritons, later showing Eustus this.
-Fancies alot of clothings later and get´s a seperate Changing Brosche to store all in (like a bag of holding but for clothes)
-Symbol on one of his main clothings has a form of a leafless flower (seatangflower and the family crest) Only those knowing, can identify the symbol and know who Manny is.
-Loves to use water, wind and ice powers
-Tends to hide the feet (partly webbed feet)
-get´s a liking to surface food and fancies pastries and mostly sweet things as these don´t last like below water (tend to melt or swim away)
-has slightly pink scales upon the body that shimmer

