
2 years, 3 months ago



"You play the game/You'll never win..."
Name [Rot Mortis]
Name Pronunciation [Ruh-ot]
Species [Supernatural Thoroughbred horse]
Age [Over 10,000--appears 21]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/her/hers]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Student--psychology major]
Residence [Limbo]
Status [Single]
Design Notes
  • Eye sockets are black and empty
  • Legs are skeletal
  • Large white feathered wings
  • Hair, including mane and tail, is a pale gray
  • Can be drawn either emaciated or with a normal Thoroughbred horse's build

Rot, for being designed to bring calamity and sorrow to the world, is actually a very chill lady. Her favorite thing to do is to lounge around in her pajamas while listening to music, and it is often difficult to tell if she is asleep or awake. Make no mistake, however--Rot is highly intelligent and insightful, and she is certainly not harmless if pushed. She may or may not decide to participate in the universe's plan for her future, but either way, Rot remains a powerful force. Theme song: Emilie Autumn--Dead is the New Alive:


Rot was brought into being by the forces that govern the universe, and has been designed to be the harbinger of death at the time when the mortal world faces the Apocalypse. Until that time comes, Rot is currently being schooled in both supernatural skills and psychology at a university for unearthly creatures located in Limbo. Rot is uncertain as to whether she wishes to fulfill her destiny--she rather enjoys the laid-back and peaceful way of life that she currently knows. Whatever her decision ends up being, Rot is flanked by three dear friends, all of whom have promised to remain loyal to one another until the end of time.


Kill and Rot have always known one another, as they were created at the same time--Kill's task during the Apocalypse will be to spread war across the face of the earth. He thus has the potential to be tremendously destructive, but like Rot, prefers to spend his time having fun. Kill finds Rot's mixture of intelligence and quirkiness to be endearing, and is thus highly protective of her. Rot, in turn, gets a kick out of Kill's gregarious and vivacious nature, and greatly enjoys spending time with him as a result.


Rot and Sick were also created at the same time--Sick will be the one to cover the earth in pestilence at the time of the Apocalypse. Sick comes off as neurotic and uptight, but is also a highly driven, bright, and caring individual. He values Rot as a sounding board, and the two will engage in deep conversations for hours. Rot appreciates Sick's willingness to confront the difficult aspects of existence, and is always happy to partake in dialogue with him.


Starve was given the purpose of bringing famine to the world at the time of the Apocalypse, and thus she and Rot were created at the same time. She is creative, feisty, and continually questioning things that others take for granted. Starve often worries that Rot has her "head in the clouds," and thus considers herself Rot's protector and "reality checker." Rot appreciates these efforts, and attempts to help Starve to slow down and enjoy existence for what it is in return.