Donna (Belladonna)



8 years, 9 months ago


Name: Belladonna (AKA Donna) Age: 21 Sex: female Hobby: Dance Teacher Likes: Observing, Dance, being early, working out Dislikes: People knowing the real her, Slackers, Being late Personality: Quiet, Observant, Louse (when teaching), Hard ass, wants to be loved, Secretive, hard worker Past: She was born to dance. When she was little she began dancing and worked hard learning every dance she could. She became well known at a young age and the moment she graduated from school she was dancing professionally for a year. Once she made the circuit and won every competition she entered she opened up her own dance studio. With the fame she already had for dance it wasn't long before idol producing companies contacted her to teach their idols. Now she works closely with idols teaching them dance basics and choreographed pieces. She runs from any one who ends up knowing her deepest self. She doesn't want to turn out like her father who gave up his dance career to be with her mother more and eventually to provide for her when she was born.