


2 years, 2 months ago



Gender Female
Pronouns She/her
Species Human
Age 22
Height 5'8"
Sexuality Homosexual


Michiko Vargas  is best known for her upbeat and outgoing personality. The last words anybody would use to describe her are 'dull' or 'shy', as displayed by her love of bright colors and overall talkativeness. Though somewhat excitable, she also manages to maintain a go-with-the-flow mindset, which leaves her down to try just about any sort of experience. She always welcomes a new and exciting situation, even if it might not always be the best idea on her behalf. This reckless, thrill-seeking behavior has gotten her into various kinds of trouble on more than one occasion, yet she shows little to no signs of slowing down. Unfortunately, she commonly struggles with commitment issues and a tendency to bottle up some of her more 'complex' emotions. 

Michiko was born to a Mexican father and Japanese mother, though the two are separated and have little to no contact with each other. Her father, whom she lived with, hadn't necessarily hurt her in any way, but he never exerted too much energy into disciplining her or her half-brother, either. Because of this, Michiko became used to staying out late and taking care of herself, to a certain extent. Now, she shares an apartment with her best friend and works as a janitor in a shopping mall. Because she has no driver's license, she relies on a mixture of public transport and skateboarding to commute. She is quite fond of animals, but doesn't have the money to take care of any pets (her favorites are reptiles, rodents, and sometimes cats).