Oddity Derosiers



2 years, 2 months ago


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Oddity Derosiers

Female • She/Her • 28

"W-What a mess..."

  • CREATOR Rosyshark
  • VERSE Champions of the Sky
  • CREATED 2019
  • NAMES Kozi, Odd, Oddity
  • RACE Half-Orc/Half Tiefling
  • CLASS Archfey Warlock
  • ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral
  • FROM Montegueux
  • HEIGHT 5'8
  • BIRTHDAY June 10th
  • SEXUALITY Pansexual
  • Cake
  • Books
  • Tea
  • Sketching
  • The feywild
  • Fruits (how do u eat them??)
  • The swan queen
  • The Rose queen (sometimes)
  • Bullies
  • The Feywild


Oddity is a shy and bookish individual who often keeps to herself. Yet under that mousy persona... Is another just as mousy persona. Except this one just happens to be rather conniving despite her anxiety!

Odd is in fact the Warlock for a powerful fey called The Rose Queen, acting as her representative on the material plane. It's a title she seems to both wear with pride while also be a bit embaressed by it for some reason.


Upon first meeting Odd, she seems timid and shy. Which she is to a point! She’s very reclusive and isn’t sure how to mingle with people very well. Not to mention years of grief from people for being both orc and teifling makes it a bit hard to feel compleatly relaxed around new people.

Yet behind closed doors with someone she trusts, they’ll find she can be much more sassy, sharp, and confident than she ever lets on. Yet those who get really close to her get to see her genuinely caring side. She’s got layers. She knows how people see her and will at times play that up a bit if she feels she needs to, coming off as a soft, and shy sweetheart.

She is also fiercely protective of those she cares about, almost never hesitating to try to absolutely ruin those who mess with them. She can be rather stubborn at times too, once her trust is lost, it is near impossible to regain, and once she’s made an opinion about someone, it can be very hard to change her mind.


Oddity was born just outside the city of Montgueux to her loving parents, Rovung and Indulgence. Her childhood was nice, getting to play in her parents garden or explore the nearby forest with her father as he told her stories about fairies and legends about the feywilds. But as she grew up, she found herself wanting to learn more about the unknown, so she worked hard to enroll in a school for the arcane.

While there she was subjected to taunts over her appearance and stutter, or was treated as a spectacle by those who had never met someone like her. Yet she found a companion in one of her professors who taught about enchantment magic. They both shared a fascination with the feywild, and when he ultimately retired, she followed along as his assistant.

Together they eventually found a way into the feywild, coming upon a portal not far from Montgueux. Odd agreed to go on an expedition for the both of them, and went on ahead. In the Feywild she met the Rose Princess who she assisted in becoming the Rose Queen, and became her warlock. After two years in the feywild she came back to find she’d been gone 10 years in the material plane. She’s been working on getting over that shock and then she found herself being sent by her queen to join the champions of the sky. Now she’s making the best of it, and getting to do some amazing research along the way.


  • Her eyes are pink with yellow sclera, and slittled cat-like pupils.
  • Her thorn-like spines go from the base of her neck to her tail.
  • Her rose does not come off, it is growning out of her head. It's look is tied to how she's doing health wise. If she's unhealthy or hurt, it starts to wilt. If she ever dies, it would die too.
  • She has a underbust tattoo.
  • Odd is made to hold the braincells of the party. She's good at problem solving, and her general knowledge of the arcane has some in handy several times. In combat she prefers to stay very far from it, spamming the enemies with spells, and charming them into going away if they get too close.
  • LANGUAGES -Common, Orcish, Infernal, Slyvan
  • Skills -Arcana, Deception, History, Persuasion, performance /li>
  • Weapons -Simple
  • Armour - Light
  • Tools -N/A
  • Her Journal (Her pact tome)
  • Silver thorn crown
  • fire breath potion
  • Odd is very casual about religion. She know a bit about the orcish gods from her mother, and if she didn't decide to devote so much of her time to studying the fey, she may have tried to learn a bit more about them!
  • Odd has never thought too hard on her gender. She's always been fine being a very very high femme woman. Though you bet she would be a high femme woman in the gayest way possible.
  • . Odd's style is very romantic, and pretty, like she's stepped out of a fairytale. She almost exclusivly wears dresses or skirts, and is almost never seen in colors besides pinks and reds. She loves excuses to dress up even more, owning a couple lovely gowns from the feywild that she would love to wear again.
  • COLOURS Pink, Red
  • ANIMAL Lizards, Cats
  • PLANT Roses
  • MINERAL Rose Quartz
  • SIN Greed, Gluttony
  • VIRTUE Diligence
  • GENRE Baroque pop
  • STYLE Rococo Fairytale
  • She's a pact of the tome Warlock.
  • Her orignal design was going to be an artificer.
  • She used to be a pact of the chain warlock, but switched. Her familiar was a fairy dragon named Pepper. Now Pepper is on the loose in the castle, for better or worse.
  • It's rumored the Rose queen brought cake from the material plane to the feywild just for Oddity.
  • She has a stutter that developed when she was in school as a young child. She still has it, it's prominence can vary based on how stressed she feels.
Zhao Jin

Friend (italicized) and Rival

Jin had been sent to the guild to act as Oddity's rival from the Swan queen, yet instead he approached her about being friends instead. The two started a rivalry that they pretended was much less friendly than it actually was, trying to one up each other when in public, and having friendly conversation in private. Soon a friendship emerged with the two finding kinship in their similar situations of being mortals caught up in the machinations of the fey and the feeling of being split between two worlds. And after they went on one quest together where they ended up getting waking up in each others arms after some shinannigans the night before, it was impossible for either of them to deny that there was a mutual attraction between them.

Since then these two have fallen in love fast and hard, depite knowing the dangers that this could pose with their respective queens. Yet Odd is determined to make this work. In a short time she's come to care very deeply for Jin, and would do anything to keep him safe and happy.

(Jin belongs to Kitnick )

Jaaster Of The Mistwood

Long time friend, and now Friend (italicized)

Odd hadn't realized that when Jin joined the guild, his long time partner, Jaaster, would be there too, and boy was she glad they were! Back when she was in the feywild the two would often sneak out to gossip and fool around during parties or when the queens would visit each other. They were one of the few good friends she made in the feywild and she was thrilled to get to reconnect with them! After she and Jin started their relationship, both she and Jaaster hadn't explected to become an item as well. But what started out as a few study dates soon turned into the two realizing that certain feelings had started to come up and finally address some long time affections the two had held.

Odd is so happy to have Jaaster back in her life, and even happier to have fallen in love with them. She can be rather protective of them, even moreso then she is with Jin, being ready to tear anyone who hurts them in anyway to shreds. Whether it be a fellow guildmate or the queen of swans herself.

(Jaaster belongs to Kitnick)


