cutie's Comments

Hello! I was wondering if you were still willing to trade this guy, if not, that's fine! If you are interested however, I could offer art and characters. This is the second time I've commented on this character, and also the last time so I don't bother you too much πŸ˜…

Thanks, have a great day!

I'm sorry, it is still not for trade.
jfyi - I don't keep trading stuff on this account.
Everything here is my own collection and not up to offer.

Have also a nice day :)

All right! Thanks for letting me know!

Hello! I know you just got this guy, and you're most likely not interested in trading them yet. But I was wondering if I could offer some art? I tried to offer this before, but by the time they saw it you've already snatched them up πŸ’–Β 

Just look at some of my most recent art examples see you what I can do! I 100% understand if you're not ready to trade them yet, but whatever your answer is just let me know ☺️

Thanks for considering, sincerely- Ice

I litteraly bought this cutie 3hours ago. So yeah, I'm not ready to trade it ^^