Loki's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

receptions Global Rules


By recieving art, designs, writings, or anything else that was made by me, you are agreeing to these terms. These may change at any time and will be updated as needed. Failure to follow these terms will result in the consequences that are specified in each case. If you have any questions, please PM me. If reading this code is difficult, please click here for the plain text version. This Terms of Service is also available in the ownership tab of every one of my designs, so there is no excuse for not seeing it. Art is a luxury, so if you disagree with any of these terms, you'd be better off not having anything made by me. These terms are in place for my safety, as well as the safety of the people that have something by me.


  1. I have the right to decline any trade, commission, or request for any reason. I like to give reasons why most of the time, but please respect my privacy.
  2. I will not create NSFW content for minors or to be consumed by minors.
  3. If you block me (instead of responding) after I warn you that you're breaking my TOS and that you need to change something, I'll take my creation back from you, no questions asked. I know there's a lot of words in this thing, but it's not hard to follow.
  4. I do not tolerate N*zis, p*dophiles/lolicons/shotacons/proshippers, b*stiality supporters, racists, and homophobes. My art/designs may not go to these people and I will revoke and repurpose it if necessary.
  5. Starting 2021, you must have a Toyhouse to recieve or distribute any of my designs. My designs may not be traded, sold, or gifted off of Toyhouse, especially if they were initially given out on Toyhouse.


  1. My art and designs are for personal use only. They may not be used commercially (for example, selling merchandise like keychains, shirts, etc.) unless commercial use is permitted. This must be discussed with me and will come with a USD price. Currently, no users have commercial rights to any of my works.
  2. I retain the rights to all of my art. I will continue to use it for display and for promoting myself. I will not attempt to revoke, repurpose, use commercially, or resell my sold works unless my Terms of Service have been severely broken by the recipient.
  3. My works only have a maximum worth of what I had initially sold them for. The value of a design by me only increases if art of value is added (commissions only). Personal art and traded art do not count towards the value. Virtual currencies are a form of value, but cannot be converted into a real currency value.
  4. If you have recieved a design by me for free, you may not sell it or trade it in any way unless art of value is added (see rule 3 above). This applies only if I am directly giving you my work for free. Being gifted a design by me from someone who had paid for it before means it still retains its value.
  5. When reselling a character that comes with art by me, my art may not be valued at more than what I had charged for the piece. My free and traded art may not be assigned any value for trade or virtual/real currencies.
  6. You may not use my art or designs to promote hateful and/or exploitative content. This includes severely problematic written and drawn content such as N*zism (and other hateful ideologies), police brutality, racism, and child abuse/p*dophilia. I have no problem with dark stories and people that write characters going through struggles, but you may not use my art/designs to indulge in your actively harmful fetishistic ways.
  7. My art/designs that contain NSFW content may not be given in any way to minors. In addition, if you are the uploader of NSFW art/designs of mine, you must tag/filter/mark the NSFW properly.


Consequences vary in severity depending on what has happened. I tend to be lenient and I'll politely ask you to change something or just give you a heads up. However, the severe consequences can be blacklisting (whether or not I will make this public is up to later me lol), a PSA, or revoking/repurposing the creation of mine that you are ahold of. 99 times out of 100 I will give you a heads up before something like this happens, though.


When I sell a design, my goal is to find it a home where it will mean something. I don't want to see my works bounce around from owner to owner constantly, especially if it's something I'm super proud of. I also expect respect of my hard work and time in what I do, which is why I will never allow people to increase the value of my works for their own profit (if you are in a very tough situation and you desperately need money through selling designs, please PM me first and I may make an exception for you). Hopefully this all doesn't seem too draconian, but I have to do it and be as clear and transparent as possible in the process. Essentially, if you got something from me completely free (including design/art games and trades), you can't sell it or trade it in any form unless commissioned art is added (then it is only worth what the commissioned art is worth). Just send me any questions if you have any please.